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Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Sun 22 Mar, 2009 11:52 pm
by WhoKnows_WhoCares
With Pokémon Platinum released today in the US, this here is the official topic to talk about the game - what you like/dislike about the changes between this and D/P, or just to declaire that you've got a copy and who you starterd with.

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Mon 23 Mar, 2009 8:01 pm
by Kikyo
I'd love to talk about it, if I had it.
Unfortunately, I lack the proper funds. ;___;

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Sat 28 Mar, 2009 3:07 pm
by WhoKnows_WhoCares
got my copy yesterday - so I'm happy now.

Decided to start with a turtwig this time, started all my other 4th gen copies with a piplup, so i thought it was time for a different challenge

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Sat 28 Mar, 2009 5:06 pm
by pikalover1234
I got it too

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Mon 30 Mar, 2009 12:53 am
by Kikyo
I got a job, so I've been preparing for when I get Platinum, soon.
Withing the month I'll have it, hopefully!

I've been using my Pearl to breed a few Pokemon for my Platinum team.
I'm trying to make them desirable natures and stuff.
I want a Cyndaquil as my 'starter', so I spent all day trying to breed an adamant one!

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Sat 04 Apr, 2009 5:33 pm
by WhoKnows_WhoCares
i'm loving this version of pokemon. its all the small useful things that really help. Like there's a guy in veilstone that can tell you what type Hidden Power would be if you were to teach it to a pokemon - saves you trying to find a kecleon to try it on.

Also during battles, usually it told you what pokemon was next and asked you if you wanted to switch. If you werent paying attention to the screen, you'd miss what pokemon was next and have to guess whether to switch or not. Now when it asks that question, the name of the next pokemon stays on the message screen, so if you turn away while fighitng and look back, you can still see what's out next.

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Sun 05 Apr, 2009 1:44 pm
by Pikachu3828
WhoKnows_WhoCares wrote:Also during battles, usually it told you what pokemon was next and asked you if you wanted to switch. If you werent paying attention to the screen, you'd miss what pokemon was next and have to guess whether to switch or not. Now when it asks that question, the name of the next pokemon stays on the message screen, so if you turn away while fighitng and look back, you can still see what's out next.
That sounds pretty handy, it's screwed me over more than a few times.

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Fri 07 Aug, 2009 6:10 pm
by stitches12321
i got the game right when it came out. it was hard to find at gamestop. i looked at three different gamestops

Re: Official Platinum Topic

Posted: Tue 03 Jan, 2012 3:41 am
by Haru Totetsu
Still loving this game even now...

I prefer Giratina to Plkia and Dialga. I just think it's more...cuddly.