Remember Those special:

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Remember Those special:

Post by pikapower06 »

So, curious. Who all do you remember in your lifetime right now. I mean, that you would notice if they left or not. Who REALLY stick out to you in your mind? Give them a few thoughts.

In Real Life

+Daniel: Back in the day, his name was Marcus. He was my best friend, and a reason that gave hope in my little child life. Now, he's a jerk. -i-
+Amara: We've gotten super tight as cousins. :3 She is my best friend in the entire world, and there's almost nothing I wouldn't do for her tail. She's done a lot for me in the years.
+Gandmother Estelle "Mamaw": I always did look up to her throughout my youth, and I haven't forgotten her an inch still, even if she died on Christmas Day eight years ago. <33

On Black Blood Alliance:

+Gothy: She's loads of fun to talk to. <3 I'll remember the fun I have talking to her.
+Juli: Again, loads of fun to talk to.
+Frenzy: Again, loads of fun to talk to. xD She's a really awesome friend, and someone you just need to meet in life.
+Cooper: I don't talk to her, yet she offered an 'ear' when I could use it, and was in a bad state of depression. Not sure why I choose to 'spill' to her, but I gotta admit. :3 I'm glad she noticed and asked if I was ok. XD Leave it to her to take jokes to "possibly be serious". XD
+Shalin: YOUR CHARACTER STOLE CRIMSE'S BACK BOY ATTITUDE. ;_; Not cool, I wasn't planning that! You are one *TERRIFIC* of a writer, that's for sure! Your posts manage to inspire me. 8D
+Ani: You were tons of fun and more. xD lulz, if you ever need to talk to me again, I'm here girl. 8D I love chatting with you, fr sris, though, cuz you're so much fun!

On I.M.

+Flare: Ups and downs, man. But, you were always a good friend. No matter what anyone says, that's how my mind remembers it, and that's how I recall it. You were still a good friend to me. :3 And I can't forget you for a second. XD You're like that piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe. XD You can try all you like, it ain't gunna come off.
+Mira: What can I say? Man, you're one of the best people to ever talk to. :3 I like our chats, and I kinda miss them now that there's less and few of them. Sad? I know.
+Rachel: My god, could you be any better of a friend? Well, we've had some faults, a lot on my end. Like I said, a LOT'S been going on in my life, but I have no reason to snap at you. I hope my apologies are enough to erase the bad memories? I've completely let go of the comment that made me feel I had no right to 'feel suicidal' and I've moved on. You're right, I don't. =3 No one should need to, though. My, how teen angst can hit. XD
+Georg: I love him a lot. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him in life, and he earned that high regard all on his own. :3 I only hope life draws us further together through the years.

On The Site I met Flare On...XD shut up you guys, I dunno it

+Dude:. Time's washed away your username from my mind, but not your memories. You were an awesome friend, along with Flare, to talk to. My God, the fun we did have! =3 I wish we could chat again like old times, but alas that is not the case, huh? Maybe, life has a weird way of working things out...xP
+Flare:....Shut up you're mentioned above. Let's not be givin' you a large ego, huh? xD

The Pika Club

+Zen: You were one of the people I thoroughly enjoyed talking to/role playing with. =D Seriously, man, you were a really cool person. <33
+Pikachu9000:...I had enough zero's right? It's been a while...XD You were really cool...and funny. xD I think that's what made you cooler was your attitude. Which...ameks everyone who they are...stfu. xD You were just a reaaaalllyyyy awesome person to talk to/read threads in. :D
+ Mira:......I mentioned you above, deal with it. :D
+Neo-Bender: ...another cool kid, what can I say? xD Seriously, not typin' a lot, but it's a lot that I remember you well. xD

White Wolf Mountain:

+Jinx: Wish we could have finished off the family all happily like. Sheesh, my inactivity ruined that! I need need need to get back on there, but I'll only ever fall inactive again and I know it. X.x
+Call Of The Wild & My Chemical Juice: Don't remember you guys a lot to say much, but you were cool to just hang around on the forum.

Canine Controversy

+E: Dude. You are win and taco sauce. 8D Don't know you a whole lot, but you were cool to talk to when we did communicate with each other.
+Vixen: You were a cool kid, though we never talked. =D I enjoyed that short Roleplay with you, though! I always did want to Role play with you. XD
And generally the site here. There was so much love and care for that site, though I never had to get to know and/or get attached to persay anyone like a 'friend'. <33 I miss that site so much. Sorry C.C, but I can't find enough 'muse' in me to make my tail stay on you ;-;


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Re: Remember Those special:

Post by seavicky95 »

Yay, welcome back pikapower!

real life

Mari sara: ...dang, I forgot exactly how her name's spelled. But she was my best friend in 1st grade. She always smiled, and was just a blast to hang out with.
Christina: Hahah, I'm kind of surprised we still talk to each other after all these years. Even when going to different schools, we still keep in touch. She lives so close to me too, I can just run to her house whenever she invites me over.


Jess & Xiao: These two really love to chat. They're such a funny pair, even though they can be somewhat annoying.
Josh: Dumb jerk who stole several of my online friends.
Molly: You're incredibly nice and I'm lucky to have met you. That's all I have to say really.

the Pika Club

Fazzy: Wow, we really talked + RPed a lot from what I remember. You even emailed me a couple times. You were one of the most active members, how could I forget?
pikapower06: Yes, you. Queen/princess of Umbreons. You have such a creative mind, I love the roleplays you make!
Pikachu90000: Yup, TPC's #1 poster. Not too shocked seeing as you've been here for more than 5 years, I believe? A few of your posts really make me laugh.

(yeah, these are just the people that I remember really well. They're not like all my best buddies.)

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Re: Remember Those special:

Post by miradapurple »

Welcome back. :3 This is a nice topic.... Really makes me think back a bit. Something tells me I won't be able to finish it the first go.

Real Life
Charles: My best friend when I lived in Kansas. I don't think I'll ever forget him. I remember the number of times you helped me up when I fell.
Ben: My best friend when I lived in Arizona. He helped me settle down to my new school, talked to me when I was sad.
Micah: My best friend now. She is my happy pill, my OHCRAPHELPMEWITHHOMEWORKPLZ person. :3
Rie: Just a nickname, because he's easily stalked. The love of my life. <3

Crystal: My best online buddy ever. :3 Fun to roleplay with, fun to talk with.
Zen: A total butt for leaving. I'm excluding all the nice stuff because of it. D;
Pikachu90000: Someone I miss having flame wars with. It's just not the same.

Crystal: I miss our conversations too! D; I promise I'll make more time for them when I can.
Kyle: I miss his randomness. Haven't talked in like a month.... but he's a great friend with an awesome sense of humor.

Yeah, there goes. SO NOT DONE. D:
Last edited by miradapurple on Fri 02 Jan, 2009 6:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Remember Those special:

Post by Kikyo »

Michael: My bestest friend since first grade. So yeah, I'd miss him... he's my life. If he died or something, I'd probably commit suicide.
Mandy: My newest friend, but we've become almost best friends. Yeah, she's my only real friend other than Michael who I actually hang out with after school, and she's in 4-H with me, so I'd notice.

the other staff people.

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Re: Remember Those special:

Post by zen »

I won't write about anyone I know in real life, just because I don't know if either one of them would like me writing about them.

Mira: One of the first friends I made on TPC, and the main person I roleplayed with. I remember waking up at 5 in the morning or staying up late just to get another post on the RPs we had. Good times... I'm probably going to go read Pokemon: DNA Infusion now.

Pikapower: Good to see you back! ^_^ Another person who made the RPs worth remembering. Fighting Growler and his forces was always a blast with you and DarkLugia.

Pika3828: You, my friend, are an awesome admin. Seriously, you hang around and chat in most of the topics with the rest of us, unlike some other forums... >_>

If these people come back, I'll add them: YellowChan, DarkLugia, Houndoomgirl, Raimunchu (Get back here you guys!)
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