Guys D:

If you are new and would like to make an announcement to everyone saying so, do it here ONLY. This is also the place to announce that it's your birthday, you're going on holiday etc.

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Guys D:

Post by pikapower06 »

I'm so sorry for being off so much.

For those still on here, and know me/remember me, if you want to keep up a connection somehow contact me at my new MSN: I want to say I'll be around here a LOT more, but I dunno if I will or not. This place has a lot of fond memories with me, though. D: More or an apology if anything, and I don't remember there being a "Goodbye" board on here? X.X I'm terrible at 3 in the morning with memories.
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Re: Guys D:

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

no, we dont have a goodbye board because we dont want anybody to leave...

try and stick around if you can, and know you can come back and post anytime you want
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Re: Guys D:

Post by pikapower06 »

WhoKnows_WhoCares wrote:no, we dont have a goodbye board because we dont want anybody to leave...

try and stick around if you can, and know you can come back and post anytime you want

Yeah....I'll be the forum ghost, that's for sure. D: Hopefully I can get myself on here a bit more during the summer though.
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Re: Guys D:

Post by Pikachu3828 »

Well the forum is pretty empty now but I'm off for summer now so during that time I hope to turn the place around and it'd be great if you were there with us :)

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Re: Guys D:

Post by Kikyo »

Yeah, what wKwC said.
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