Just want to know if anyone has beaten the Battle Tower in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire 100 times consecutively and have gotten the Gold Shield? If you have, can you please tell me the strategy you use to get the Gold Shield?
P.S. The most consecutive wins I have gotten is 36 but from there on I always lose.
Hmmm... Has (?!) anyone ever won the Gold Shield? It just seems way too hard. I mixed records with someone who has the Silver Shield! ... I need to see what my Battle Tower record is... I forgot. (it's thirty-something)
I haven't gone to the battle tower in awhile... My record was 21/21 on lv. 50 trainers last game. Like Pika90000 said, do your best and keep training your pokemon until whenever.
I havn't gotten the Gold Sheild yet, but I came close. First, get three Pokemon of different types. For example, Riachu.. Blaziken.. and Salamence. Use proteins, irons, etc. to raise their stats as high as they can go. Only like 3, I believe. I might be wrong. Than just keep trying.. dont give up.