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Pokémon Princess
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Post by Pokémon Princess »

Ashlee look at Drake next Flame final Jake. "I'm sorry for hurt you. I can't conrotl my powers."

"Goodbye..." Ashlee said like she was talking crazy in a sad tone. Then Ashlee ran of into the forsests.
Don't treat this
like my last breath
Don't treat this
like my last chance.
Don't treat me
like this is my last tet
Just don't treat my so bad
Treat my like this is the best
you ever had.

Pokémon Princess's LiveJournal

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Post by zen »

OOC: Sorry for not posting lately,my computers been broken :-(

"Ashlee!" Drake shouted,running after her

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Post by pokejake »

jake went with him!

"no ashlee!"jake said runig with drake

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Post by zen »

OOC: Er......flying....mew flys....

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Post by miradapurple »

Flame snorted an dblocked to passage with her tail.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said to Ashlee "I'm your friend And wont let yo uget hurt."

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Pokémon Princess
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Post by Pokémon Princess »

Ashlee stop because Flame at stop her. "No, go away." Ashlee pushed Flame use her new found pshyic power. Then Ashlee was gone no where to be found.

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Post by miradapurple »

"I can't belive I let her get past me." Flame said to the downcast boys.

"I'm stil going to go after her though! We've been friends through thick and thin, and I'm not going to let this get in the way of our friendship!"

With that, she rammed through the cave entrance and left a hole in it.

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Post by zen »

"Yeah,you got it Flame!" Drake said flying after her

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Post by pokejake »

"what would we be with out are freinds"jake said flying in the hole

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Post by zen »

"Well,for one I would be a trainers pokemon" Drake said "I need to help Ashlee to pay her back for helping me"

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Post by miradapurple »

Flame looked around.

where are you?
I like fruit-flavored tea. : )

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Pokémon Princess
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Post by Pokémon Princess »

Where am I.... Ashlee walk around in was seem like nothing til the light came down. what is this place.....

Ashlee look around had this feel of being watch. As she turn around something it her in the head. "OOW! What the-" Ashlee said holding her forhead. "It's you Celebi!"

"That right!" Celebi said.

"Wait I can understand you?" Ashlee said confused.

"Of course you can understand me, we are bond with each other." Celebi said get close to Ashlee.

Back Ashlee step back a better.

"What going now? Why am I here?"

"I don't know what go now. But you travel time yourself here." Celebi toke Ashlee.

"Where am I?"

"The future of course."

"So what between to everyone." Ashlee asked.

Celebi turn her head. "Everybody gone, you were the olny one to make it back though the infuse." Celebi said tearing up.

"Oh don't cry!" Ashlee said hugged Celebi. "How did it happen!"

"You time travel, save your self, but you never learn to time travel with you friends. So one day you all were attack. And you try to tranport everyone but you fauilt. Upset you never when back you still here..."

"I undresatnd.." Ashlee said. "What happen to me I'm not one to ran off like this."

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Post by miradapurple »

Flame tried to fight back tears. but they came anyway.

She diveied headfirst into the ground.

we did so much together..... .....why did you leave?

Were her last thoughts before passing out.

I like fruit-flavored tea. : )

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Pokémon Princess
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Post by Pokémon Princess »

Ashlee still with Celebi in the future.

"What are you think about Princess?" Celebi said.

Ashlee was sing to herself...

Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lovers' eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

Some find it shared in every morning
Some in the solitary night
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
Cause who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete

Well for Me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cause you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
and you'll be where it ends
I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings

"WOW! that sure a pretty song." Celebi said.

"thankz!" Ashlee said start a new song.

How will i start,
Tomorrow without you here
Who`s heart will guide me
though the answers disappear
Is it too late?
Are you too far gone to stay?
This one`s forever
Should never have to go away
What will i do
You know, i`m only half without you
How will i make it through

If Only Tears Could Bring You Back, To Me
If only love could find a way
Oh what i would do
what i would, give if you
Return to me
Some day,
If my tears could, bring you back,
To me...
Don't treat this
like my last breath
Don't treat this
like my last chance.
Don't treat me
like this is my last tet
Just don't treat my so bad
Treat my like this is the best
you ever had.

Pokémon Princess's LiveJournal

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Post by miradapurple »

When Flame woke up, she tried to contact ashlee. When she finnaly gave into the fact that she was gone, sh estarted crashing about in a fevered frenzy. crashing into both ground and tree, sh edemolished a section of forest in under 5 muniets.

I can't belive she's really gone.....

Flame started to cry. Silently, with tears the size of dinner plates falling onto the ground, ahe flew, higher and higher, until she was only a tiny speck in the sky. then she found the nearest twon, witch was Vermillion ctiy, adn started a driect course for it. once rigth above it, she dived onto the peir withen sight of everyone in the city. as the waves fell upon her, the last thing she saw was ashlee, maybe a haulcination, but there. sh etried to reach her, bu tonly driffted farther and farther away...

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