What really happened in the Sasuke world.

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Indigo Plateau
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What really happened in the Sasuke world.

Post by miradapurple »

(We have an exclusive interview.... ....One chance only....)

Sasuke Uchiha: Why, Hello....
Christina Stubbs: Hey..
Sasuke Uchiha: So.... You say I'm not allowed to have myself on the game?
Christina Stubbs: Eaxctly. It's Tic-Tac-Toe You use 'x' and 'o' not...your little siggn thing.
Sasuke Uchiha: You obviously have no idea what 'my little siggn thing' is.
Christina Stubbs: Besuides, shouldn't you be hanging out with Sakura XD?
Sasuke Uchiha: Please. She already DIED
Christina Stubbs: Good...and I don't care about the sign. It's not an X or an O.
Sasuke Uchiha: We killled her after the second episode.
Christina Stubbs: 0_0 then who was filling in for her?
Sasuke Uchiha: Oh, her twin.
Sasuke Uchiha: 'Asuka Haruno'
Christina Stubbs: >_> She's able to HAVE a twin that alive?
Sasuke Uchiha: She was ALOT better, trust me.
Christina Stubbs: I RLLY?
Christina Stubbs: *O RLY?
Sasuke Uchiha: What.
Christina Stubbs: I dunno.
Sasuke Uchiha: Well, let me explain to you what my clan symbol is.
Sasuke Uchiha: ....
Sasuke Uchiha: What is that?
Christina Stubbs: Sure I got time to hear another boring lecture.
Christina Stubbs: And what is whaT?
Sasuke Uchiha: Your..... picture thing.
Christina Stubbs: A display picture for Yahoo Ims
Sasuke Uchiha: .....Why is Naruto still alive/
Sasuke Uchiha: He died after the second episode too.
Christina Stubbs: I don't know...
Sasuke Uchiha: And have you seen my brother?
Sasuke Uchiha: I need to tell him that mom wants her katana back.
Christina Stubbs: No actuall I haven't yet.
Christina Stubbs: Wait but...I'm just keepnig completely quiet. Why not tell the real story behind the show?
Sasuke Uchiha: Well, you need to know about my clan symbol, anyway.
Sasuke Uchiha: First of all, the uchiha Clan symbol represents the fan that controls the fire.
Christina Stubbs: *zzz*
Sasuke Uchiha: Temari's sign is that fan.
Sasuke Uchiha: Of course, the Uchiha sign originated from the mechanical capturing ball.
Sasuke Uchiha: It's also what you might know as the pokeball.
Christina Stubbs: Sign, fan, clan...uh-huh got it.
Christina Stubbs: o_0 When did pokemon come into all of this?!
Christina Stubbs: *?!
Sasuke Uchiha: Let me finish.
Christina Stubbs: Tell me..
Sasuke Uchiha: In 1217 B.S,
Christina Stubbs: B.S?
Sasuke Uchiha: No, not censored, Before SASUKE.
Christina Stubbs: I wasn't thinking censored, but no I'm seeing it stand for that...
Christina Stubbs: And why base the time system...around..YOURSELF?!
Sasuke Uchiha: Because, I dominate all, as 'Sasu' said before.
Christina Stubbs: >.> Gays can dominate all.
Sasuke Uchiha: ....What....
Sasuke Uchiha: Was.....
Sasuke Uchiha: That?
Christina Stubbs: I joke.
Christina Stubbs: *A joke
Sasuke Uchiha: Thank you.
Sasuke Uchiha: Now stop interuppting.
Christina Stubbs: Sheesh
Sasuke Uchiha: Do you want to hear the end or not?
Christina Stubbs: Ok I'll leave for 5 hours, and come back to catch the 2nd half of the lecture.
Sasuke Uchiha: STOP.
Sasuke Uchiha: NOW.
Christina Stubbs: Fine fine just tell.
Sasuke Uchiha: Okay.
Christina Stubbs: idiot
Sasuke Uchiha: In 1217 B.S.,
Sasuke Uchiha: STFU.
Sasuke Uchiha: NOW.
Christina Stubbs: Make me
Sasuke Uchiha: Fine.
Sasuke Uchiha: I'll just call 'Sasu'....
Christina Stubbs: No.pink.wrting.
Christina Stubbs: *writing
Sasuke Uchiha: And have her unleash what she calls 'the evil side'
Christina Stubbs: I'll shut up *snore sleep snore*
Sasuke Uchiha: You better.
Sasuke Uchiha: In 1217 B.S., my ancestor, Yurashima Uchiha came upon the first Pokemon that we had seen.
Sasuke Uchiha: He saw flame erupt from it's mouth, and was reminded of our great fireball jutsu.
Sasuke Uchiha: I saw another, a birdlike one, attacking it.
Christina Stubbs: interesting...
Sasuke Uchiha: The heat from the attacks of either of the strange beasts was unbearable
Sasuke Uchiha: Of course, Yurashima Uchiha was at that time journeying to the land of ive,
Sasuke Uchiha: *ice.
Sasuke Uchiha: At that time, the treaty between the five nations wasn't yet formed.
Sasuke Uchiha: So after he saw this amazing power, he recorded it in his journal.
Sasuke Uchiha: We saw a young boy, wearing a red 'hat' call back that dragon-like beast into a red and white ball.
Sasuke Uchiha: Mystified, Yurashima Uchiha recorded that as well.
Sasuke Uchiha: He called the boy 'Sasuke', for his amazing calmness while he battled the great fire-bird.
Sasuke Uchiha: Any questions?
Christina Stubbs: We- uhh no no.
Christina Stubbs: Carry on.
Sasuke Uchiha: Okay then.
Sasuke Uchiha: Yurashima Uchiha drew a accurate picture of the 'pokeball', and returned to the Uchiha Compound in the Tree VIllage.
Sasuke Uchiha: *village*
Sasuke Uchiha: The elders of our village examined the 'pokeball' carefully.
Sasuke Uchiha: Yurashima Uchiha explained how he had seen the boy poke the center of the ball, and unleash the great fire dragon.
Sasuke Uchiha: At that moment, another council elder made a short comment.
Sasuke Uchiha: 'Reminds me of our Tree Village's "Thousands Years of Death" that was created by our first Kamikage.
Sasuke Uchiha: Yurashima Uchiha could not help but smile slightly. The 'Thousand Years of Death' was the jutsu that involved poking the enemy's...
Sasuke Uchiha: Nevermind.
Sasuke Uchiha: So, we decided to name the strange ball the 'pokeball'.
Sasuke Uchiha: Yurashima then returned to the place where he had first encountered the fire beasts, and looked around carefully.
Sasuke Uchiha: He saw the land of ice slowly melt before his eyes.
Sasuke Uchiha: Any more questions?
Christina Stubbs: Not at all.
Sasuke Uchiha: ....Ew.
Christina Stubbs: XD
Sasuke Uchiha: Thank you.
Christina Stubbs: But seriously, you got issues.
Miradapurple: Hey, don't insult Sasuke! And this is a very nice story..... Maybe we should post it on TPC as 'what really happened in the Sasuke World'
Christina Stubbs: Sounds good by me
Miradapurple: Okies! I'm going to post it in the fan fiction section.....
Sasuke Uchiha: Wait.....
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Post by Pikachu90000 »

Nice. Funny and very weird. 8/10
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Indigo Plateau
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Post by miradapurple »

Sasuke said whatever.

You'll have to ask pikapower what she says, though.
I like fruit-flavored tea. : )

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