Ch 1:THe Treasures

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Post by pikapower06 »

"Better, thanks."
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

"that's good, I'm not vary good with white magic"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"hey the writing is mostly repeating it's self in different langues maybe it has it in our writing then I could probly translate it."

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Post by zen »

Drake looked at the writing closely, had he seen it before? He turned to Jade "Could you? Maybe it could help us?"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"It would help alot might even tell why we were chosen to look for the treasures and the oragens of the treasures even. I'll try." she looked along the walls then found the ancient langue her mom tought her." Here's one I know." THen walked to see if she knew anymore. When she didn't see anymore she went back to the one she knew and took a picture of it. "I'll translate it if I get time."

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Post by zen »

"I'll guard for anything in here" Drake said "You can translate"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"Okay." Jade looked at the writing. And wrote what she could translate on a paper. "I got the first sentence."

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Post by zen »

Drake couldn't help but ask. "What does it say?" He said

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"'He who is the chosen one must follow these directions'" then Jade understood "THis is directions that Crystal has to follow to get the treasure can you call her while I finish?"

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Post by zen »

Drake agreed "Sure, I will, keep translating"

He used telepathy to talk with her Crystal, come to our ruins, we need you for a second...

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Post by pikapower06 »

Crystal galloped off, with a "I'll be back." And arrived in a split second by Drake's side. "what is it?"
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Post by Yellow-Chan »

Chiisai followed as fast as possible, "whats worng?"

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Post by zen »

"Jade told me to call you" Drake said shrugging "It has something to do with this writing, Chiisai, could you help me guard?"

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Post by Yellow-Chan »

"Yah, sure!" Chiisai got ready.

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Post by pikapower06 »

"Ok." She walked over to Jade. "What is it?"
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