Game of the whenever

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Game of the whenever

Post by kirbypika »

Hello citizens of the pika club, obviously we are all gamers right? *nod* well here is the chance to post up you're own game of the month/week/year/whenever! All you have to do is put the name of the game, author of the game, (dont post if you dont know) link to where to download the game, (yes it has to be a PC non-official game) So no FF! (silently cheers) and your vote on the game. (from 1-10) a description of the game, (what you do and stuff...) and obviously, why you like the game. I'll put my favorite so far...

Name:KWRPG 2: DE (Kirby Warrior RPG 2: Dream Edition)
Author: Meta Warp (Of RR)
and you need RTP too:
Vote: 9.4
Desc: Its a nice little Kirby Fangame made in RPG maker 2000. Normally, all RPG maker games are similar and kinda dull, but this one... Man, its like a whole new program! And its supposed to be a remake of the original game, KWRPG 2. That was a fangame and this is... a fan-game of a fan-game. =D The story starts with the hero, Kirby Warrior. And with his buddies, (Hyper kirby and dark kirby with lots of others) to save popstar. Yeah. (Don't worry the story is a lot better when you play it then what you read what i say. ^^;)
Why i like it: Well... gosh... everything is re-done. Nothing that is used is pre-made... the characters, battle animations, font... NOTHING! (well that i know of) And the new author brings new life to the characters that the other... well couldnt do so well. You can easily see the different personalites within each character. The only bad thing about this game? Well... its not finished yet. And it probably wont be. *sob sob* But the author will make new and full rpgs in the future, so it wont be that bad? And another thing is the enemy pictures. Kinda badly drawn. But its okay. Everything else is great! Overall, PLAY THIS GAME!!!

Well thats it for me. Any games you wanna share?

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