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Post by danny13 »

this website is cool:[name] InusTimeZone
[url] Link Removed by Moderator: Not Enough Posts/Wrong Forum
[Info] This is taking the Inu gang 100 years into the future, so all the humans of the show are dead! But....the question is, can you survive in this hectic time era? Can you manage it in InuYasha's time, or will you hide out in Present time. But, a demon could be taken in by the Lab Scientists, so the present time period isn't sooo safe either. Think you can survive?
[activity] Good...
[RP Level] Pretty easy. I only resquest a minimum of 4 sentences with four words per sentence.

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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

Not only do you not have enough post to qualify to post website links (as shown in the rules of the website forum) but you've posted this in the wrong forum.
Member of the Umbreon Club - PM pikapower06 to Join.

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