Only 5 Pokemon in my Party

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Pallet Town
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Only 5 Pokemon in my Party

Post by Varlet »

Hi there,
since I was a long time inactive, I've now realize that I have only 5 Pokemon in my Party.
I'm not sure, why it is so. When I was last active I've done the task with the 'Zapper the Pichu' or something in this way. I know I've tried to evolve it. Then it was away. The first time I thought nothing on it (I didn't know anyone here and thought, it is normally that you get it in few days back). Then I was only active to get some Pokedolls. Now I'm trying to be a bit more active and saw, that the 5 Pokemon are still in my Party.
Can anyone fix it? or help me?

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Code Monkey
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Re: Only 5 Pokemon in my Party

Post by Pikachu3828 »

I've added one of your boxed Pokémon to your team which has fixed things.

Favourites: :Gyarados: :Tyranitar: :Zangoose: :Drapion: Image

Red: 151/151 | Gold: 247/251 | Fire Red: 376/386 | Heart Gold: 493/493 | Black: 649/649

Please do not PM me about bugs on the Adoption Agency. Instead, make a topic in the bugs forum.

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