Mew Wi-fi Download for America and Europe

Hey look – News!

It’s been a slow news time now that Black and White have been released in Japan. Not to mention that work hasnt left me with much free time, which is why i havent been playing White very much or updating my little playthrough diary – sorry about that.

Anyway, To celebrate the fact that Pokémon Gold and Silver games were released for the Gameboy/Gameboy Colour 10 years ago – Nintendo are handing out the original secret Pokémon, Mew, over wi-fi to HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Between the 15th October and the 30th October, you’ll be able to download the special Mew onto your HG or SS game. The Mew comes at level 5 in a cherrish ball, with the move Pound and a Premier Ribbon attached (meaning you cant put it on the GTS)

The window is short on this one, so dont forget to download yours.

We’ll try and bring you more news when we know it

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