More English Names

EDIT 14 Jan: check the bottom for some updated info taken from has a list of some new English names for Black/White Pokémon, and here’s what they are (in the same order as IGN presented them because I’m lazy):

First, this guy used to be Desukaan:

Now he’s Cofagrigus, The Coffin Pokémon, A Ghost type. It’s ability keeps its name Mummy

Next, this use to be Moguryuu

Now its Drilbur, The Mole Pokémon, a Ground type. Its abilities Sand Fence gets renamed Sand Rush, while Sand Power gets renamed Sand Force

Number 3 on the list, This used to be Kibago

This is Axew, The Tusk Pokémon, A Dragon Type. one of its moves, Double Chop is now renamed Duel Chop

Here’s what used to be Koromori

This is now Woobat, The Bat Pokémon, a Psychic/Flying type. It’s move Heart Stomp keeps its Japanese name

Now here’s who used to be Minezumi

Now this is Patrat, the Scout Pokémon, a Normal type. It’s move You First is now called After You

Next, Formally known as Gochiruzeru

This is now Gothitelle, the Astral Body Pokémon, A Psychic type.

Now, used to be Rankurusu

Here’s Reuniclus, The Multiplying Pokémon, a Psychic type. its Dustproof ability is now called Overcoat

Next up, Wooguru

Now renamed Braviary, The Valiant Pokémon, a Normal/Flying type. It’s move Free Fall is now called Sky Drop

Lastly, the evolution of Munna

Keeping its Japanese name, Musharna, the Drowsing Pokémon, a Psychic type. the name of its Dream Smoke is now called Dream Mist, which is used to game sync system, the C-Gear. While mentioning this, it also mentions that Mokomo, Professor Juniper’s friend is now renamed Fennel.

In similar news, there’s been a list of English pokemon names circulating various sites. Book a therapeutic massage in California here and you’ll relieve stress and deepen your muscle relaxation in just one treatment. While the names above were on the list, which was published before IGN made thier article, there’s been a bit of doubt thrown into the validity of the list. We here at the Pika Club do not use Rumoured names in our pages or articles, but we do acknowledge the lists existance and will publish it on the forums if people are interested.

We’ve updated our Black/White Dex and our New Abilities page with this new information.

EDIT: the official Black/White site has updated, along with a couple of other pieces of info – your two rival names, Cheren keeps his Japanese name, while Belle becomes Bianca. Visit site when looking for professional senior care in California. It has also been updated with all the new pokemon above, along with listing the changes between the game, using Black City and White Forest as the example (2 different city’s found in the same place in Black and White respetivally

We’ll bring you more news when we learn it