TPC’s Berrydex released

In pursuing my education I must make another temporary leave of absence from The Pika Club in order to focus on my studies. It was The Pika Club’s Easter project to develop a working dex database in order to compete with other, larger Pokemon websites for usefulness and ease of use. The dex database was to comprise of:

  • Berrydex
  • Pokédex
  • Movedex

Since then other dexs have been suggested to us, such as a PickUpdex and others. While this is something to think about in the future, it is not a priority right now. We somewhat underestimated the undertaking in these 3 dexs alone and did not succeed in completeing these before Easter’s end. However good headway has been made, such that privately I am willing to release the Berrydex which, as far as we are concerned, is 100% complete. This is a preliminary release in that it is not being advertised outside of The Pika Club; rather we prefer to wait until we have our Tridex Tour De Force completed in order to take on the big boys.

An alpha release of our Pokédex, dubbed ‘PHPokédex’, was considered but it is not far enough along and is too cluttered to suggest what it may offer to visitors in the future and it was decided against. I will return sometime in early June and hopefully our dex project will be complete before the summer. For now, click the berry below (or the middle button above this post) to reach our Berrydex.

The Berrydex is undoubtably not without its faults and so I invite all who are registered members of our forums to report bugs, errors, suggest features and offer advice in the appropriate forum.