Pokemon site pkmn.net has recently reported that the scans from CoroCoro confirm that the Kanto region WILL be included in Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver. I’m sure this will be endearing news to any long time Pokemon fan who wishes to relive those younger days playing the originals on Gameboy. I know this game is going to be a nostalgia rush for me.

Mysterious New Area
It’s not all rehashing, however. A new area has been spotted on the new Johto map that wasn’t there before. Other than its West Cianwood City who knows what this is, but stay tuned as once we know we’ll let you know!
Pingback: GoNintendo - Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver - Kanto confirmed, mystery area pops up
Pingback: The Games Domain » Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver - Kanto confirmed, mystery area pops up
Hello, can you please post some more information on this topic? I would like to read more.
its the saffari zone i have the game in japinesebut you have to have all the joto bages
maybe the area next to cianwood city is the battlefrontier for johto and the big building next to goldenrod maybe will be palpark
Ive heard that fushia city’s closed down safari zone will be pal park
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Yeah pokemon was crazy cool back in the day haha. Everyone used to play it. Red was easily the greatest haha!
it is safarizone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!