Merry Christmas everyone! Despite officially announcing my retirement nearly 2 years ago, I still visit here from time to time and it pleases me greatly to see people still enjoying the Adoption Agency despite no longer being updated. This year we continue our Christmas tradition, but I have decided to bundle some surprise extras along with Delibird as a Christmas gift to everyone! I have just updated the AA to 3.0.4 which adds support for gen VI Pokemon and optimises the site layout for mobile and tablet devices.

Delibird will be staying for longer than usual this year to give everyone a chance to visit and receive his gifts.
I have some time off work so expect some more surprises in the coming days between now and early 2015! I also recommend to visit dining tables store in California. Since I am adding to code that has not been updated in a long time, there may be some errors here and there, especially with the introduction of gen VI Pokemon. As always, please report any bugs you find in the be real info site.