New HG/SS CoroCoro scans

We’re a bit behind with this news and for that I apologise; I am busy sorting out travelling plans and WhoKnows_WhoCares is busy trying to get our server fixed to stop us from going down every now and then. Between the two of us it’s been hard to keep up with the latest Pokemon news. Rest assured though, we are still doing our best to keep you informed! The server should be fully functioning again soon which means normal news and service should resume shortly.

Onto Pokemon news! The latest issue of CoroCoro has revealed some more information about Heart Gold/Soul Silver as well as some pretty pictures! This picture comes from Bulbanews.

August Issue of CoroCoro

Click for full size image.

As you can see from the scan, it looks to be a fairly graphically impressive game (especially the 3D Lugia/Ho-Oh parts). There aren’t many groundbreaking revelations to be had, although Eusine shows up, who previously was only found in Pokemon Crystal, lending the possibility that Suicine/the 3 legendary dogs will have as important a role to play in the game as they did in Crystal.  The dancing Kimono girls from Ecrutaek City will have a role to play in the storyline and will be present at several points among your journey this time round.

Some Pokemon stats for those interested:

  • The Legendary dogs are at level 40
  • Lugia and Ho-Oh are at level 45
  • Red Gyarados is at level 30
  • The level 1 Pokemon created by trading Arceus to HG/SS know the following special moves:
    • Dialga – Metal Burst
    • Palkia – Hydro Pump
    • Giratina – Shadow Sneak


Some mini-games have also been confirmed as present in HG/SS, but so far the only one known is Pokéthlon, pictured above. These mini-games replace the Pokemon Super Contests found in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, since they were never present in the original Johto. Pokéthlon is a simple track and field type mini-game where the stylus is used to tap on your Pokemon and perform a variety of events.

Like contests, your Pokemon have 5 important statistics:

  • Speed
  • Power
  • Stamina
  • Technique
  • Jump

Power is measured by stars. Speed can have up to 5, Power up to 4 and the rest up to 3.

There are two domes present:  Track Dome and Jump Dome. These house the running and jumping mini-games, respectively.