Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Box Art
The May issue of CoroCoro magazine has revealed some new information about the next game in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon franchise. Two missions and information on Shaymin and Arceus have been revealed.

Shaymin has been confirmed as available after players complete the game. Players will be taken to Shaymin’s Village from Spinda’s Café where they will meet a new exploration team called Frontier, consisting of Machoke, Breloom and Mawile. Shaymin will then escort the two parties to the Sky’s Summit dungeon where players can obtain an item called the Sky’s Present.

Arceus features in a dungeon called Destiny’s Tower and involves an item called Time-Space Orb. No other information is known at present.
Information about the two missions is as follows:
- Discovering the past of Team Charm ( Featuring Medicham, Lopunny, Gardevoir)
- Sunflora from the Wigglytuff Guild must find a Haunter being hunted down by the police.
More information as it comes.
will this play on a gameboy DS?
This game is for the Nintendo DS system