We’re back!

Apologies for the very long absence but our host changed a few settings against our wishes and this caused us to be unable to login for some reason, which meant we couldn’t add any posts or do anything.

We received no help from our host or WordPress support forums about our issue so we were left to figure it out on our own which is unfortunately why we were down for so long. In the end I had to completely delete and reinstall everything. While most things are back up and working again, unfortunately the menu and our affiliates/topsites boxes were not saved by WordPress. I didn’t know this so I never kept a backup of them. The menu will be back up soon but I have no idea who I was affiliated with now so please if you were an affiliate get back in touch with me!

As is to be expected we lost a lot of traffic during our downtime but I’m pleased to announce now that we’re back we should be resuming our usual regular update schedule so be sure to bookmark us and visit often!