+Daniel: Back in the day, his name was Marcus. He was my best friend, and a reason that gave hope in my little child life. Now, he's a jerk. -i-
+Amara: We've gotten super tight as cousins. :3 She is my best friend in the entire world, and there's almost nothing I wouldn't do for her tail. She's done a lot for me in the years.
+Gandmother Estelle "Mamaw": I always did look up to her throughout my youth, and I haven't forgotten her an inch still, even if she died on Christmas Day eight years ago. <33
+Gothy: She's loads of fun to talk to. <3 I'll remember the fun I have talking to her.
+Juli: Again, loads of fun to talk to.
+Frenzy: Again, loads of fun to talk to. xD She's a really awesome friend, and someone you just need to meet in life.
+Cooper: I don't talk to her, yet she offered an 'ear' when I could use it, and was in a bad state of depression. Not sure why I choose to 'spill' to her, but I gotta admit. :3 I'm glad she noticed and asked if I was ok. XD Leave it to her to take jokes to "possibly be serious". XD
+Shalin: YOUR CHARACTER STOLE CRIMSE'S BACK BOY ATTITUDE. ;_; Not cool, I wasn't planning that! You are one *TERRIFIC* of a writer, that's for sure! Your posts manage to inspire me. 8D
+Ani: You were tons of fun and more. xD lulz, if you ever need to talk to me again, I'm here girl. 8D I love chatting with you, fr sris, though, cuz you're so much fun!
+Flare: Ups and downs, man. But, you were always a good friend. No matter what anyone says, that's how my mind remembers it, and that's how I recall it. You were still a good friend to me. :3 And I can't forget you for a second. XD You're like that piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe. XD You can try all you like, it ain't gunna come off.
+Mira: What can I say? Man, you're one of the best people to ever talk to. :3 I like our chats, and I kinda miss them now that there's less and few of them. Sad? I know.
+Rachel: My god, could you be any better of a friend? Well, we've had some faults, a lot on my end. Like I said, a LOT'S been going on in my life, but I have no reason to snap at you. I hope my apologies are enough to erase the bad memories? I've completely let go of the comment that made me feel I had no right to 'feel suicidal' and I've moved on. You're right, I don't. =3 No one should need to, though. My, how teen angst can hit. XD
+Georg: I love him a lot. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him in life, and he earned that high regard all on his own. :3 I only hope life draws us further together through the years.
+Dude:. Time's washed away your username from my mind, but not your memories. You were an awesome friend, along with Flare, to talk to. My God, the fun we did have! =3 I wish we could chat again like old times, but alas that is not the case, huh? Maybe, life has a weird way of working things out...xP
+Flare:....Shut up you're mentioned above. Let's not be givin' you a large ego, huh? xD
+Zen: You were one of the people I thoroughly enjoyed talking to/role playing with. =D Seriously, man, you were a really cool person. <33
+Pikachu9000:...I had enough zero's right? It's been a while...XD You were really cool...and funny. xD I think that's what made you cooler was your attitude. Which...ameks everyone who they are...stfu. xD You were just a reaaaalllyyyy awesome person to talk to/read threads in.
+ Mira:......I mentioned you above, deal with it.
+Neo-Bender: ...another cool kid, what can I say? xD Seriously, not typin' a lot, but it's a lot that I remember you well. xD
+Jinx: Wish we could have finished off the family all happily like. Sheesh, my inactivity ruined that! I need need need to get back on there, but I'll only ever fall inactive again and I know it. X.x
+Call Of The Wild & My Chemical Juice: Don't remember you guys a lot to say much, but you were cool to just hang around on the forum.
+E: Dude. You are win and taco sauce. 8D Don't know you a whole lot, but you were cool to talk to when we did communicate with each other.
+Vixen: You were a cool kid, though we never talked. =D I enjoyed that short Roleplay with you, though! I always did want to Role play with you. XD
And generally the site here. There was so much love and care for that site, though I never had to get to know and/or get attached to persay anyone like a 'friend'. <33 I miss that site so much. Sorry C.C, but I can't find enough 'muse' in me to make my tail stay on you ;-;