What Pokemon Would You Be?

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What Pokemon Would You Be?

Post by pikapower06 »

Close your eyes, and what colors do you see for yourself? Look for your heart colors, and any details, not a whole Pokémon, but certain qualities you have to have. Remember, inter-species breeding can be used, but explain why. As long as it's pretty much literate, there's no "wrong" explanation.

Also, consider attitude before setting things in stone. What is their general, overall attitude, if any at all? Remember you need to go ahead and ask this: "What Type(s) do I relate to, and Why?"

Personally, we'll start with Wings. I need strong, bold wings, because I'm a dreamer. I'm always wanting to lift myself off of the ground. This is a lighthearted soul within me, and thus should be somewhat light in colors if that should be a factor.

I'm pretty elegant when I want to be in mind, some something of that form. Think Persian. But this is not the biggest thing about me, and usually comes through my writings, or my rare "debating" moods, and thus I'll save that for the legs. Sleek and slender legs (Dark); Strong wings (Light) is what we've painted so far. (I'll explain the 'dark' later).

I'm small, but not tiny, so my main body build would be something to accommodate that. Something that could have some strength to it possibly, but not a heavy amount. I mainly look intimidating with my attitude, so serious facial 'look' is a "must", too, with the fitting body. Both dark, for my usually dark outlook on something within life. Whether it be currently and what's going on now, or when nothing's going on, and I just 'crash'. I've always eventually done that. Something that can also look offishly peaceful of a body though, because I can usually remain at at-least a peaceful stance. Sleek and slender legs (Dark); Strong wings (Light); 'Elegant' Body (Dark boding & Offlishly peaceful); Serious facial is what I've painted so far.

Now, I will say I'd need ears. Maybe not huge ones, since I can be somewhat unknowing of what's around me, but there since I can be overly alert at times, too. And a strong tail. Something that would balance me when I'm here, as I usually remain a 'balanced' soul, and I'm somewhat of a strong attitude for others (as a sign of comfort). Not a huge one though, nothing intimidating though.

Sleek and slender legs (Dark); Strong wings (Light); 'Elegant' Body (Dark boding & Offlishly peaceful); Serious facial (Dark); Ears (Dark/Light mix); Tail (Light except at beginning, mainly light)

And what do we get? Personally I want to say Umbreon out of love, but.... I'd be a mutt of Pokémon. Most likely, a lot probably will too. XD Or maybe not....


xD Try thinking. XD

Oh And Flying X Dark type, by-the-way. XD
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Re: What Pokemon Would You Be?

Post by Kikyo »

I've always felt a special attachment to cats.
I can't imagine myself as Skitty; I'm just not that peppy.
Glameow, too, I can't see myself as.
It doesn't strike me as my personality.
Meowth is probably the best for me;
a loner, misunderstood, trying to find a place in the world,
yet trying to be as happy as possible.
Like "Meowzi", in that episode where team rocket's Meowth went to some city full of Meowths.
Then I'd become a Persian, like the one who works for team rocket.
I've always imagined myself as the cat of an evil genius, for some reason.
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Re: What Pokemon Would You Be?

Post by Henaru »

An Umbreon. I'm calm, quiet and always deep in thought. I thought that an Umbreon stuck out as such.
I don't make friends, I make my family a little bigger instead....

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