Presidential Inauguration (America)

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Presidential Inauguration (America)

Post by Kikyo »

Yes, a historic moment for us all. (At least in America)
This is something we'll be telling our children about.
I'm sure it was even more significant for older people-
after all, they're the ones who used to see the segregated bathrooms, fountains, schools,
and all sorts of things, and witnessed Martin Luther King's speech and assassination.
For them, this signified an immense change in America.
The fact that we were able to overcome and move past segregation.
The fact that yes, even a black man can become President.

Anyway, In most my classes we watched the ceremonies and stuff.
In German, we watched the oath. It was at the end of the period,
but everyone grew silent, and stayed still even when the bell had rung.
Then, everyone rushed to their next classes-
I've never seen the hallway clear so fast!
Anyway, in 7th period we watched Obama's Inauguration speech.
It was amazing- it'll go down as one of the best in history, I'm sure.
Once again, everyone was silent- not even a whisper was heard!

The poet after him was nothing special.
Her poem was pretty bad, actually.
But the guy who spoke next was funny.
We could barely understand him,
but at the end he added a bit of humor.
"May brown get around, may yellow me mellow,
may the red man get ahead man, and may white know what's right."
It was just hilarious the way he said it!

Anyone else have thoughts about it?
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Re: Presidential Inauguration (America)

Post by Pikachu90000 »

Now that that's out of the way, our class at school decided to watch the inauguration of Barack Obama. It truly a historic moment for America and the world. Fourty years ago, an African-American couldn't even be in the front of a bus, and now an African is now president. Most of America has transitioned from the racist discriminatory to the civilized citizen. I found it funny that * Cheney was stuck in a wheelchair, I wondered what happened to him.

Anyways the inauguration was messed up John Roberts, the messed up part of the line and Barack had to correct him. :roll: The speech was great, Obama really captivated and motivated Americans and the whole world. While I don't believe he will keep most of his promises, at least he will not be an embarrassment to the Americans.

Please join me by sing this song along with the rest of the world to say goodbye to Bush II.

Code: Select all

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

He'll never love you, the way that I love you
'Cause if he did, no no, he wouldn't make you cry
He might be thrillin' baby but a-my love (my love, my love)
So dog-gone willin'
So kiss him (I wanna see you kiss him. Wanna see you kiss him)
Go on and kiss him goodbye, now

Na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

Listen to me now

He's never near you to comfort and cheer you
When all those sad tears are fallin' baby from your eyes
He might be thrillin' baby but a-my love (my love, my love)
So dog-gone willin'
So kiss him (I wanna see you kiss him. I wanna see you kiss him)
Go on and kiss him goodbye, na-na na-na-na na na

Na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

Hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
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Re: Presidential Inauguration (America)

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

i had to laugh today when they said Obama had to be sworn in again as president because of the mess up yesterday and conspiricy theorists were saying that he wasnt the president as a result.

i say good luck to the guy. USA is at a high point now that the UK was at in 97 when Tony Blair got into power... hopefully it wont end on the low point it did over here (all i'll say as political discussions are not allowed on these boards.)
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Re: Presidential Inauguration (America)

Post by Pikachu90000 »

It really wasn't Obama's fault. The Chief Justice screwed up and Obama spoke the right words. He's president, no matter what.

BTW, I lawled yesterday when I saw Colbert saying that anyone who was on camera at noon on the 20th was president. Congratulations to President Yo Yo Ma.
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Re: Presidential Inauguration (America)

Post by pikalover1234 »

Yea I got to miss 4-1/2 of 5th period to see the inauguration. :-D I'm Not complaining either
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.

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