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Post by pikalover1234 »

I'ev always wanted to go to the UK, but never had enough money. Thats why I can up with these questions.
1: What is the daily Life in the UK Like?

2: Do You UK People Still Have those Cool Looking Telephone Booths?

3: Do Any of you people want to go to America as much as I do?
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.

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Re: Questions!

Post by Pikachu3828 »

  1. Most probably like daily life in America. Wake up, go to school/work, come home and watch TV/play games/read a book etc. I can't think of any glaring differences between UK and USA daily life.
  2. Most telephone booths have been either completely destroyed or at least shelled now as they've been pretty much made redundant now almost everybody uses mobile phones.
  3. Your location says you already live in America. Probably not though, I'm tied up in Britain for a few years at least.

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Re: Questions!

Post by pikalover1234 »

Whopps made a mistake,
3:Do You want to go to the USA as much as i want to go to the UK?
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.

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Haru Totetsu
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Re: Questions!

Post by Haru Totetsu »

1: What is the daily Life in the UK Like?
The same as in America but we complain alot more than most. We also have a group of people that 'dislike' our queen. We also get less sun, and we have a law that allows pregnant women to, ahem 'relieve themselves' in a policemans helmet.

2: Do You UK People Still Have those Cool Looking Telephone Booths?
Do you mean the red ones? If so then yes, but they're fading now-days. Wow that made me feel quite old.

3: Do Any of you people want to go to America as much as I do?
Yes, mainly Florida for Disney Land. Though I'd love to visit certain other areas as well. How about yourself?

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