Broken Wrist!

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Broken Wrist!

Post by pikalover1234 »

Yep. It was about time I told TPC about my wrist. I was riding a bike doing turns, and I fell off the bike. I wasn't rushed to the hospital or anything. I was at my friend's house anyway. (I was going to call 911, but I didn't even know what street my friend lived on!) I fell on my wrist ,and didn't even think that it was broken. More stuff happened, and now I'm here. Tying with one hand. I have a scrape that looks uncannyly like Sinnoh. I'm going to be off for a week at least, typing with one hand is extremely annoying.
Oh the pain...
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.

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Re: Broken Wrist!

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

ouch - it sounds painful, i can only imagine how it feels.

hope it heals up quickly...
Member of the Umbreon Club - PM pikapower06 to Join.

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Re: Broken Wrist!

Post by stitches12321 »

ooh ihope you get better

I'm back after leaving for many months (last time I logged on was January, last time I posted was a while before that) and I wonder if any of you guys still remember me!
My Youtube is <~ My Youtube account!

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