Haru Totetsu

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Haru Totetsu
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Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

My username is Haru Totetsu, my real name is Oliver Burgess.

I enjoy reading, writing, listening to music mostly pieces that get me bullied by my brother and his friends because of they're sensitivity or 'girlishness', me being a boy and all that makes it 'unacceptable'. I also watch films and television series both of which a quite varied, but I do tend to favour Asian animations. I also play games, usually for the story not so much game play though there are a few exceptions to this.

I have accounts on the sites Deviant Art and YouTube.
Deviant Art

Just in case your interested, and to save me the trouble of having to send everyone that asks the links one at a time. I can guarantee that they'll be someone who wants to know though in all honesty I couldn't care less.

The most obvious fact about me is that I'm a Pokémon fan.

Yours Sincerly
~ Haru Totetsu
Last edited by Haru Totetsu on Thu 04 Oct, 2012 5:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

Welcome to the Pika Club. Hope you stick around and have fun.

Usually we dont allow links to other sites posted (its advetising and all that) - however, since its just deviantart and youtube... I'll allow it... allthough if you want people to know about them, how about linking them in your sig?
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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Pikachu90000 »

Heeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllloooooooooo! Welcome to The Pika Club, I hope you have fun and stay with us. :mrgreen:
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Haru Totetsu
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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

Thanks for the Welcome and I hope to enjoy my stay.
WhoKnows_WhoCares wrote:how about linking them in your sig?
Concerning your suggestion here, technocally that would be more advertising because it repeats itself, like most adverts but placing it here once only to be viewed by people that actually want to see what I've done on those sites because this is where I've intoduced myself so this is where they should start there attempts to get to know me properly. At least thats how I view it. The only other possible times I'd even concider placing it and try to lure people away fro here is if I'd written a very long, and in depth story and wanted to get peoples views on it. Posting it twice can be extreamly annoying.

Actually I wanted to have a longer signature but I used too many characters so I couldn't add much more even if I wanted to. Though I must admit that I currently don't have any works with Pokémon involved.

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Haru Totetsu
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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

Why is it that I feel my posts are dominating this forum right now? All I've seen besides a few others (mainly moderators and administrators) and I'm feeling a little lonely. Hmm, I'll get all my Poké-pals to join the site, and hopefully they'll join.

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Pikachu90000 »

Haru Totetsu wrote:Why is it that I feel my posts are dominating this forum right now? All I've seen besides a few others (mainly moderators and administrators) and I'm feeling a little lonely. Hmm, I'll get all my Poké-pals to join the site, and hopefully they'll join.
I'm not really sure why, but this site used to be a lot more active. I think it has to do with the RPG being down for almost 2 years.
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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by eevee126 »

hello haru! welcome!

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

Haru Totetsu wrote:Why is it that I feel my posts are dominating this forum right now? All I've seen besides a few others (mainly moderators and administrators) and I'm feeling a little lonely. Hmm, I'll get all my Poké-pals to join the site, and hopefully they'll join.
Because you are dominating the forums!

Dont feel bad, its great that your so active around here. Unfortunatly, not only are we a bit low in terms of active people, this seems to be a bit of a busy time for most of us as well... thus meaning we dont get to post often. I'll have to try harder to keep up with you

And yeah, get all your Poké-pals onto the site... the more the merrier I always say
Member of the Umbreon Club - PM pikapower06 to Join.

Thanks to miradapurple for creating my cool avatar.

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Haru Totetsu
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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

WhoKnows_WhoCares wrote: Because you are dominating the forums!

Dont feel bad, its great that your so active around here. Unfortunatly, not only are we a bit low in terms of active people, this seems to be a bit of a busy time for most of us as well... thus meaning we dont get to post often. I'll have to try harder to keep up with you

And yeah, get all your Poké-pals onto the site... the more the merrier I always say
Ok, I just felt like the only user thats all. I understand people are busy, but I'd have thought that at least 1 or 2 people would have found the time to take at least a peek. Oh well I'll just have to hope everyone on here gets a chance to visit at least once a week.

I have done I've sent it to my contacts on my MSN and am just waiting to see if they'll join or at least spread the message. Word of mouth can be very affective sometimes.

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by PhetMeow »

hello people! i'm phetmeow, named after two tigers i adopted. phet was my first one, but is unfortunately no longer with us. i still try to keep her memory alive though. that's mainly why i adopted meow after phet passed, in memory of her. meow is a male.
Some things aren't worth fighting for... </3 ♫

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Haru Totetsu
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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

PhetMeow wrote:hello people! i'm phetmeow, named after two tigers i adopted. phet was my first one, but is unfortunately no longer with us. i still try to keep her memory alive though. that's mainly why i adopted meow after phet passed, in memory of her. meow is a male.
Hi and welcome among us. You should really do a more proper introduction with its own thing though and not just use mine my friend.

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

Sorry for my absence! Some stuff happened and I lost my account, but our loving administrator helped sort it out for me.

I love this forum!

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Pikachu3828 »

It's always good to see the return of old users :)

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Please do not PM me about bugs on the Adoption Agency. Instead, make a topic in the bugs forum.

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Re: Haru Totetsu

Post by Haru Totetsu »

I'll be staying this time. Who could resist the Pokémon Adoption Agency?

Also, I'm dominating the forum again! Whoo Hoo!

EDIT: I'm depressed. Not the "boo-hoo I'm rather sad depressed". As in suicidal depressed. Just thought I should let you all know in case I truly drop off the face of the Earth.

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