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Post by teamgalactic2 »

Does anyone have a neopets account?
I do. Here are my Neopets

Admin Edit: Links Removed

Don't neomail me!!! I can't reply! P.M. me to comment on them!!
If you want to join my Google Group (Pokemon) e-mail my admin e-mail: or go to ... club?hl=en and yes, I am put down under Ash Ketchum.

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Re: Neopets

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

No, Just no - i let the other topic just skate by, but i wont let this one - apart from the fact that you ALREADY have another topic on this subject - the rules state: Advertising other websites is not allowed and is counted as spam, you may only put a link in your signature, providing it abides by the below signature rules.

Therefore your links are removed, and this topic is locked.
Member of the Umbreon Club - PM pikapower06 to Join.

Thanks to miradapurple for creating my cool avatar.

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