Goldeens from Elm?

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Goldeens from Elm?

Post by FireFang1331 »

Is this suppose to happen? I've been getting Goldeens from Elm like crazy lately. I haven't been fishing lately so I know their not popping out of nowhere because I keep getting eggs that hatch into Goldeens. Maybe they aren't from Elm..but if they aren't then I don't know where their from. I thought the only place they were suppose to be from was fishing...correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Goldeens from Elm?

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

not a bug - some pokemon have multiple sources they can come from...

you can always check the pokedex project to see if there has been a location or two against it. Goldeen's for instance says '118: Goldeen - Lottery/Fishing (Old Rod)' - so you could be getting them from the lottery if your playing that... otherwise elm could be giving them out as well - that would be yet another location to add to the project.
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Re: Goldeens from Elm?

Post by FireFang1331 »

I don't remember playing the lottery lately...I think I did once but that was a good while back and wouldn't have been the recent eggs unless I forgot them in my box. I'll watch out for it next time and see where I get them from.
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