I generally agree, though I think Diamond/Pearl were some diamonds in the rough.SonicKitsune wrote:Gold and Silver was the best era, in terms of the game, new Pokémon, and anime. It's pretty much downhill after that, although there are still a few good things. However, I think the eventual Gold and Silver remake will be the last game I get.
When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?

- stitches12321
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
yeah thats right
I'm back after leaving for many months (last time I logged on was January, last time I posted was a while before that) and I wonder if any of you guys still remember me!
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
Alot of people say: 12-21-2012 Nope! about summer in '15 is were it should stop
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- pokefan200
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
It's probaly gonna be a while until it ends, beacuse the little kids are obseesed with the TV show,and then most of em' will buy the games so they'll be "Just Like Ash!!!"
- Pallet Town
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
My only miff with the series is simple- with so many years and episodes- you'd THINK Ash would have become a Pokemon Master by NOW!
That was his goal- it seems to still be, it really makes it seem hopeless to viewers if he NEVEr seems to get there...
I WAS 10 when it first came to north America... and now I'm graduated from college.
That was his goal- it seems to still be, it really makes it seem hopeless to viewers if he NEVEr seems to get there...
I WAS 10 when it first came to north America... and now I'm graduated from college.
- cheerio495
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
They should have stoped after gen three... but they will probably come out with one or two more gen's
- codemode
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
even if pokemon did stop it would not die anyways we have hackers to change games like lost silver creepy game
- Ace Trainer Robert
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
I would say it should have stopped about 7-8 years ago myself. They should have just slowed it down, spent more time on the games.
- Haru Totetsu
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Re: When should Pokémon stop and when will it?
You know what...people are complaining about the number of Pokémon...then you're an idiot. No really, the number of Species that have been on this planet are astronomically large. There are thousands on this planet right now (namely bugs) and you wouldn't dream of saying "There are too many animals." because its a how natures worked out. There can be as many or as few Pokémon as can be imagined, because they've already touched upon alien Pokémon, e.g. Clafairy and its evolutions are from the moon, Deoxys is an alien life form. So if you're complaint is about the sheer numbers you're being idiotic. The same goes for those judging something for its appearance. Look in the mirror. Someone somewhere will thing you look hideous. Keep that in mind before you tell Trubish he's ugly.