who knows what this means?

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Mt. Moon
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who knows what this means?

Post by dgdog1 »

for the heck of it, does any 1 know what a fear strategy is in pokeom, or what F.E.A.R means? i looked it up on bulbapedia and the initials 4 fear r hilarious!
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Re: who knows what this means?

Post by Pikachu3828 »

It stands for Focus Sash, Endeavour, Quick Attack, Rattata.

Basically it's quite a deadly little combination when used right. The idea is using a level 1 Rattata you go up against a much stronger Pokémon and use Endeavour. The Focus Sash will allow you to survive with 1 HP left, which will mean Endeavour will cut your opponent's HP to 1 no matter what level it is. Then on the next move you use Quick Attack and as long as your opponent doesn't use another priority attack you will hit them first and KO them as they'll only have 1 HP.

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Re: who knows what this means?

Post by dgdog1 »

you got it right! i was refering to the more humorous version, but thats correct to. F- F$&^%$& E- evil A- annoying R- rodent, as ratta is usually used 4 this strategy.
DUNSPARCE ARE UNAPPPRICIATED!!!!! Spoink are a bunch of ##^$@^#$^#

thanks for the card undead!

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