Finals and Finals And Finals...

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Finals and Finals And Finals...

Post by pikalover1234 »

*sigh* Studying for finals is a living heck. Anybody else cramming in for the big tests this weekend? Moreover, does anybody have any tricks to studying?
Former Pika Club regular, now life's caught up and things got complicated.

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Re: Finals and Finals And Finals...

Post by Pikachu3828 »

pikalover1234 wrote:Anybody else cramming in for the big tests this weekend? Moreover, does anybody have any tricks to studying?
Generally cramming is not a good technique. The best trick to studying is to simply make sure you understand what you are being taught. By understand I mean truly understand, not just be able to recite what you were taught in class onto the exam paper. Read around the subject, make sure you have a firm grasp of it and you'll have no issue with whatever the exams throw at you.

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