All discussion regarding The Pika Club's Adoption Agency goes within this forum and its subforums.
- Vermilion City
![Vermilion City Vermilion City](./images/ranks/Cascade.gif)
- Posts: 420
- Joined: Thu 11 Feb, 2010 8:53 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: SunnyShore City, Sinnoh
by teamgalactic2 »
Edit: 400 posts? :'(
I'm old.
- Pallet Town
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Thu 25 Aug, 2011 3:02 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by GhostReseacherJill »
I never seem to get level ups for people. ^^; I'm just one of those who give it a boost and the next person gets the level up. <3 I help at least.
- Celadon City
![Celadon City Celadon City](./images/ranks/Marsh.gif)
- Posts: 673
- Joined: Tue 17 Aug, 2010 10:06 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by FireFang1331 »
Don't remember which ones and how much, but I levelled up like 2 of Rinie's pokemon and a couple of other people's pokemon
Levelled the following:
Pikachu3828's Litwick and Joltik to level 5
WhoKnows_WhoCares's Bellsprout to level 11 and Magnemite to level 2
cheerio495's Poliwrath to level 33, Rhyhorn to level 3, Golett to level 2 and Drilbur to level 24
Undead's Blitzle to level 13
Pocky4Life's Skitty to level 5
- First Pokémon!
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Fri 06 Jan, 2012 8:21 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by Lilandra »
Yes, I was busy. ^^
I leveled the following Pokémon:
-sopheset000's Lunatone to lvl 4
-marillmaster1's Weedle to lvl 6
-KaoruY's Skitty to lvl 5
-KaoruY's Rattata to lvl 6
-FangGamer's Rattata to lvl 3
-tooky's Caterpie to lvl 4
-tooky's Pidgey to lvl 4
-Immortality's Venonat to lvl 5
-pikachuguy's Skitty to lvl 3
-AnimeDoll16's Chikorita to lvl 5
-AnimeDoll16's Weedle to lvl 5
-Tenik's Paras to lvl 3
-SolarSceptile's Caterpie to lvl 3
-Chelterra001's Exeggcute to lvl 4
-kazza's Weedle to lvl 5
-guitarjamer's Totodile to lvl 5
-jinuzumaki14's Treecko to lvl 4
-jinuzumaki14's Caterpie to lvl 4
-jackson gatt's Torchic to lvl 4
-lili9's Bulbasaur to lvl 4
-rt64133's Mudkip to lvl 3
-SageOfMagic's Jolteon to lvl 31
-atony's Spearow to lvl 5
-atony's Trapinch to lvl 5
-hoohhero5599's Diglett to lvl 2
-calicocats45's Weedle to lvl 4
-krumi-chan's Weedle
-StillGotLegs's Rattata to lvl 2
-xxEpicPenguin's Snover to lvl 3
-Rika's Caterpie to lvl 4
-mirkovski's Caterpie to lvl 3
-Hobozilla's Surskit to lvl 4
-Hobozilla's Sunkern to lvl 4
-blaze1475883's Dratini to lvl 6
-blaze1475883's Skitty to lvl 2
-The TCG Man's Squirtle to lvl 3
-Pokeboy2's Cyndaquil to lvl 2
-Sleep's Caterpie to lvl 4
-hockeypet55's Jirachi to lvl 3
-BlahBlah's Rattata to lvl 3
-allante10's Paras to lvl 5
-asalopez10's Charmander to lvl 4
-asalopez10's Weedle to lvl 4
-palamon's Cyndaquil to lvl 5
-palamon's Hippopotas to lvl 5
-lovylovy123345's Torchic to lvl 5
-lovylovy123345's Paras to lvl 5
-CrayolaRose's Sentret to lvl 5
-CrayolaRose's Aipom to lvl 5
-smman8's Mareep to lvl 5
-ash1's Stantler to lvl 6
-LaurenOrSatan's Treecko to lvl 2
-danger100's Pidgey to lvl 4
-Eveline's Rattata to lvl 4
-Eveline's Hoothoot to lvl 3
-Paulio's Tangela to lvl 13
-Animalxer's Ledyba to lvl 5
-Raikou Trainer's Hippopotas to lvl 8
-nacho221's Spearow to lvl 5
-calimonava's Rattata to lvl 11
-xCreamyy's Spearow to lvl 3
-pokeball50's Venonat to lvl 3
-Shiny Star's Mareep to lvl 11
-lebell32's Venonat to lvl 4
-lebell32's Rattata to lvl 4
-calmalcom's Rattata to lvl 5
-Kame's Kakuna to lvl 9
-Kame's Spearow to lvl 9
-ntns12's Zubat to lvl 5
-ntns12's Rattata to lvl 5
-kotkowicz's Charmander to lvl 3
-Levitania's Venonat to lvl 2
-Pyron13's Venonat to lvl 5
-dilshan's Grimer to lvl 5
-iBabyGirlZ's Caterpie to lvl 4
-OneDarkEnigma's Paras to lvl 5
-Bayleef98's Solrock to lvl 8
-shadowcatxxp's Charmander to lvl 4
-shadowcatxxp's Paras to lvl 4
-Lucas's Gulpin to lvl 5
-Kupono's Venonat to lvl 4
-Kupono's Weedle to lvl 5
-Kupono's Rattata to lvl 4
-BlackLeafxD's Venonat to lvl 5
-yowasup's Caterpie to lvl 4
-dilshan's Remoraid to lvl 4
-Yukisamachan's Paras to lvl 4
-Yukisamachan's Rattata to lvl 4
-HussoASD's Sandshrew to lvl 4
-jess_e's Skitty to lvl 2
-yell's Pidgey to lvl 4
-pokemon4ever's Rattata to lvl 4
-iBabyGirlZ's Totodile to lvl 5
-LadyPeach's Skorupi to lvl 5
-volcarnoa's Snubbull to lvl 3
-volcarnoa's Grimer to lvl 2
-volcarnoa's Eevee to lvl 2
-volcarnoa's Charmander to lvl 2
-puenk001's Weedle to lvl 5
-eevvee's Goldeen to lvl 4
-eevvee's Weedle to lvl 4
-rt64133's Rattata to lvl 3
-rt64133's Venonat to lvl 3
-rt64133's Whismur to lvl 3
-rt64133's Skitty to lvl 3
-yotengo4's Caterpie to lvl 4
-krisva's Paras to lvl 4
-Paulio's Tangela to lvl 16
-10pikachumater's Cyndaquil to lvl 5
-Zohne's Geodude to lvl 8
-icerapidash's Torchic to lvl 5
-sapple77's Torchic to lvl 3
-sapple77's Caterpie to lvl 3
-Mia's Sandshrew to lvl 4
-Arceus5532's Pawniard to lvl 2
-Arceus5532's Koffing to lvl 2
-Arceus5532's Cryogonal to lvl 2
-Arceus5532's Plusle to lvl 2
-Mackyk's Caterpie to lvl 4
-Spike's Caterpie to lvl 6
-kjones's Treecko to lvl 4
-Master Programmer's Venonat to lvl 5
-desca1231's Tentacool to lvl 16
-lunaloup's Venonat to lvl 5
-lunaloup's Charmander to lvl 5
-pokmax2000's Rattata to lvl 5
-GrowlitheLuv23's Cyndaquil to lvl 4
-Laydro's Weedle to lvl 4
-Cheebie's Weedle to lvl 3
-Cheebie's Paras to lvl 3
-hking's Venonat to lvl 5
-jcerda's Rattata to lvl 4
-DoritoHotdog8D's Goldeen to lvl 6
-TryxNova's Ekans to lvl 4
-what???'s Skitty to lvl 3
-tsukikitsune's Pikachu to lvl 2
-yowasup's Weedle to lvl 4
-antoniojoe's Lunatone to lvl 3
-antoniojoe's Zorua to lvl 3
-mrgameandwaluigi42's Metapod to lvl 8
-ho-oh10101's Spearow to lvl 5
-ho-oh10101's Sandshrew to lvl 5
-Ryan659's Torkoal to lvl 6
-Lulichan's Weedle to lvl 5
-Lulichan's Paras to lvl 5
-pankiv99's Caterpie to lvl 5
-Pokemon Queen's Cyndaquil to lvl 6
-princess rosalina's Totodile to lvl 4
-princess rosalina's Rattata to lvl 4
-Grass King's Charmeleon to lvl 32
-Grass King's Wartortle to lvl 32
-qwertyuiopasdfghjklñ's Venonat to lvl 3
-qwertyuiopasdfghjklñ's Charmander to lvl 3
-evanater's Plusle to lvl 22
-Anonymous's Totodile to lvl 3
-CookieChan's Venonat to lvl 5
-pikasaur's Kricketot to lvl 2
-Chelterra001's Cubone to lvl 5
-mirkovski's Weedle to lvl 3
-koa's Bellsprout to lvl 8
-Goggy's Rufflet to lvl 9
-bulbtrainer's Joltik to lvl 3
-FireFang1331's Rufflet to lvl 10
-Umbreon5152's Sunkern to lvl 16
-Etria's Farfetch'd to lvl 8
-Etria's Gible to lvl 10
-Etria's Spiritomb to lvl 2
-Etria's Murkrow to lvl 8
-pitabred's Caterpie to lvl 4
-Miffe's Egg to lvl 3
-destroyer's Cyndaquil to lvl 5
-destroyer's Paras to lvl 5
-vinura the best's Charmander to lvl 2
-Grass King's Charizard to lvl 37
-seavicky95's Pinsir to lvl 11
-charizard20's Rhyhorn to lvl 5
-LaurenOrSatan's Weedle to lvl 2
-wolfmaster's Caterpie to lvl 4
-wolfmaster's Venonat to lvl 4
-wolfmaster's Rattata to lvl 4
-Delmarice's Rattata to lvl 4
-riley46's Charmander to lvl 6
-Guardian Shizo to lvl 7
-Muu's Seel to lvl 2
-allante10's Sunkern to lvl 5
-allante10's Geodude to lvl 5
-Sunblade's Spearow to lvl 5
-cowgirlte's Spearow to lvl 4
-cowgirlte's Trapinch to lvl 4
-Charizard's girl's Caterpie to lvl 4
-Su-licious's Weedle to lvl 4
-pokemongirl0's Skarmory to lvl 4
-tobi's Weedle to lvl 4
-Rinie's Luvdisc to lvl 4
-Pokemon Queen's Paras to lvl 5
-FlintWestWood's Rhyhorn to lvl 3
-XDarksFaithX's Bulbasaur to lvl 5
-XDarksFaithX's Pidgey to lvl 5
-palamon's Aerodactyl to lvl 5
-sparkymarkairth's Weedle to lvl 4
-Elschen01's Eevee to lvl 5
-Ryan659's Cyndaquil to lvl 13
-FritzAquino's Weedle to lvl 5
-FritzAquino's Paras to lvl 5
-lili9's Caterpie to lvl 4
-Hobozilla's Sentret to lvl 4
-Eveline's Cubone to lvl 4
-StillGotLegs's Weedle to lvl 2
-pokemonblack1's Trapinch to lvl 5
-leoomega369's Charmander to lvl 6
-zappyd1998's Paras to lvl 4
-EternalCelebi's Rattata to lvl 3
-Takeo's Caterpie to lvl 3
-puenk001's Paras to lvl 5
-killerlucas's Weedle to lvl 4
-killerlucas's Caterpie to lvl 4
-killerlucas's Bulbasaur to lvl 4
-newfiebot's Castform to lvl 5
-jcerda's Caterpie to lvl 4
-Teelox's Weedle to lvl 5
-Teelox's Venonat to lvl 4
-trainerapple1's Abra to lvl 3
-Mistress Raven's Cryogonal to lvl 3
-Damimi's Stantler to lvl 4
-=(^.^)='s Caterpie to lvl 2
-=(^.^)='s Weedle to lvl 2
-=(^.^)='s Paras to lvl 2
-=(^.^)='s Rattata to lvl 2
-=(^.^)='s Venonat to lvl 2
-=(^.^)='s Pineco to lvl 2
-Kodi14's Koffing to lvl 5
-jazmin880's Paras to lvl 4
-dpsl13's Venonat to lvl 4
-jeron5000's Weedle to lvl 4
-Pokégirl's Venonat to lvl 5
-djfunky10's Venonat to lvl 5
-Pokeboy2's Weedle to lvl 5
-Pokeboy2's Venonat to lvl 5
-Pokeboy2's Cyndaquil to lvl 6
-Pokeboy2's Caterpie to lvl 5
-Pokeboy2's Paras to lvl 5
-Pokeboy2's Rattata to lvl 5
-pokemonfan32027's Sableye to lvl 5
-pokefanmegaman1's Venonat to lvl 4
-dragonking319's Rattata to lvl 5
-XShikamaruX's Caterpie to lvl 4
-mirkovski's Rattata to lvl 3
-drinn's Gulpin to lvl 5
-ripplemist777's Pinsir to lvl 4
-Little Pika's Paras to lvl 4
-SeveR's Charmander to lvl 3
-Rockpath's Venonat to lvl 7
-pokeball50's Weedle to lvl 4
-Pocky4Life's Farfetch'd to lvl 2
-volcarnoa's Snubbull to lvl 5
-volcarnoa's Swablu to lvl 2
-farhan's Caterpie to lvl 2
-farhan's Weedle to lvl 2
-farhan's Rattata to lvl 2
-krumi-chan's Rattata to lvl 6
-Karoa's Caterpie to lvl 5
-Pikachu3828's Starly to lvl 9
-Pikachu3828's Drifloon to lvl 10
-jmjampokefan's Rattata to lvl 5
-Pokegirl's Pidgey to lvl 5
-ChaosWolf's Joltik to lvl 2
-DustyPinkDragon's Emolga to lvl 2
-DustyPinkDragon's Gulpin to lvl 2
-Goggy's Marshtomp to lvl 33
-yamoyashi's Squirtle to lvl 5
-Miffe's Shinx to lvl 7
-Miffe's Spheal to lvl 9
-PlaysHeavyIRL's Dratini to lvl 3
-Pikachu3828's Staravia to lvl 17
-Pikachu3828's Drifloon to lvl 20
-ChaosWolf's Remoraid to lvl 4
-ChaosWolf's Egg to lvl 2
-Guardian-Angel's Castform to lvl 9
-drinn's Venonat to lvl 5
-dilshan's Voltorb to lvl 9
-spitebox's Tangrowth to lvl 9
-Nebula's Veononat to lvl 4
-Nebula's Paras to lvl 4
-Kikyo's Remoraid to lvl 13
-ChaosWolf's Eevee to lvl 2
-PlaysHeavyIRL's Bouffalant to lvl 15
-ChaosWolf's Timburr to lvl 2
-TryxNova's Weedle to lvl 4
-evanater's Bidoof to lvl 2
-evanater's Pineco to lvl 2
-Trinabeanie's Caterpie to lvl 5
-alycat3's Rattata to lvl 3
Last edited by
Lilandra on Thu 12 Jan, 2012 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Code Monkey
![Code Monkey Code Monkey](./images/ranks/staff.gif)
- Posts: 4829
- Joined: Tue 27 May, 2003 4:42 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: UK
- First Pokémon!
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Fri 06 Jan, 2012 8:21 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by Lilandra »
I leveled:
-hoohhero5599's Torchic to lvl 5
- Pallet Town
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Fri 13 Jan, 2012 4:34 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by IceKyurem »
I leveled:
November's Dratini to LV9
November's Venonat to LV11
November's Caterpie to LV3
Lilandra's Geodude to LV10
- Viridian City
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Sun 15 Jan, 2012 6:43 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by AstaTheBroken »
Score! I leveled up Aquar's Houndour to 23. (I so love dark types!)
Guardian Shizo's oddish to 14
Guardian Shizo
- Viridian Forest
- Posts: 88
- Joined: Wed 30 Dec, 2009 7:26 pm
- Location: The Mitten
by Guardian Shizo »
Level up'd:
pnoymaster14's bulbasaur and diglett
pokemaster's ponyta
RiverFlow's emolga and paras
airdragon's eevee
kittygrl's spiritomb, caterpie, and eevee
megaman099090's koffing, Illumise, and zangoose
Sally_Ann's cleffa, emolga, drilbur, gulpin, and woobat
nikazinha's koffing, pansage, hoothoot, and dunsparce
Kiiro's hippopotas
AstaTheBroken's diglett
IceKyurem's farfetch'd and baltoy
Rinie's gulpin, tangela, and cleffa
Clarissa's buneary
Powerchu's cleffa
Goggy's phanpy
But curiosity can at times reveal things that were better left unknown.
- Viridian City
- Posts: 56
- Joined: Sun 15 Jan, 2012 6:43 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by AstaTheBroken »
Just leveled up cheerio495 and it evolved to Sceptile! (hopefully he wanted it that way)
- Cerulean City
![Cerulean City Cerulean City](./images/ranks/Boulder.gif)
- Posts: 252
- Joined: Fri 13 Jan, 2012 11:34 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: London, England
by Sally_Ann »
Got a full load of pokes straight off a few days in the ranch if anyone wants some cash
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
- Pallet Town
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Sun 05 Feb, 2012 1:39 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
- Location: The Netherlands
by HimitsuTenshin »
Only leoomega369 > Paras
And one of my own Pokémon xD
- Pallet Town
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sun 11 Dec, 2011 4:41 pm
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by bulbtrainer »
most of my pokies have just come out of the Ranch if anyone ones to help me level them, pretty please.
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
- Pallet Town
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon 13 Feb, 2012 10:22 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by ohanabika »
I forget who it was, but I evolved someone's Metapod into Butterfree :3
- Pallet Town
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Thu 01 Mar, 2012 11:38 am
- Pokémon D/P Friend code: 0
by Corvus »
Would be great, if someone can level up my Eggs / Pokemon, too =)