Heatran's Been Neutered!

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Heatran's Been Neutered!

Post by Mordecham »

I wasn't sure if this was more a Question or a Bug, but here goes.

I just hatched a Heatran, and it seems to be genderless. Now, I know they can't be bred in the games, but they do have gender (for some reason)...a fifty-fifty split, I think. Is this an intentional difference, or an oversight?

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Re: Heatran's Been Neutered!

Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

its on the gender specific list - which means this must have been intentional by the developer
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Re: Heatran's Been Neutered!

Post by Mordecham »

All right; just checking.

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Re: Heatran's Been Neutered!

Post by Pikachu3828 »

There is currently no check in the Breeding Centre for Heatran, so in order to stop it from being breedable it had to be made genderless. There are a number of gender inconsistencies which I need to rectify at some point, the list at the moment is far from complete.

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Re: Heatran's Been Neutered!

Post by Mordecham »

Gotcha. I have another little oddity to add to the list, then: I just hatched a male Nidoran(f). I'm guessing it's male because it's Generation I...but still weird.

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