Work on the next AA update has now begun! It's still relatively early days yet and of course everything is subject to change, but I like to let users know what's going on and what generally to expect with the next update. 2.2 was an exception where I didn't manage an update topic like I usually do. That should be the exception rather than the rule however!
Currently the following features are planned:
New Berry System - The Berry Master feature was added in one of the first AA updates and is quite dated now. An overhaul of this system is planned to bring it more in line with the mining system. New features planned include the ability to grow multiple berries, a weather system with different effects, different mulches and more.
Pokémon Armies - This feature was planned for 2.2 but unfortunately did not make it in. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this feature and planning it out but I'm still not quite sure at the stage as to how I want to make everything work. I don't want to mention anything until I've got a more solid idea. Stay tuned for this, I hope to make it into one of the bigger AA features!
Beauty Contest - A beauty stat was added to Pokémon in 2.2 although currently aside a Pokémon nature that adds to the beauty stat it is not used. This will change in 2.3 as you'll be able to dress up and enter your Pokémon in beauty contests. Whether these will be against AI or other players has yet to be determined.
Better Nature Integration - Natures were added in 2.2 but don't have that many uses right now. That will change in 2.3 as I plan to differentiate Pokémon more so there's more of a reason to breed Pokémon other than to simply collect/trade them.
More achievements/quests/Pokémon - Pretty standard for every update!
The update is in early stages at the moment and I know I haven't revealed that much but as usual opinions/comments/suggetions are always welcomed!
moon5330 wrote:Maybe...maybe add a Battle Arena? You get some EXP every time you win or something like that?
Battles won't be coming to the AA, it was always developed with the idea of focusing on raising and breeding Pokémon rather than battling them.
Before the AA we did have a feature called TPC RPG which was another web based Pokémon RPG which more closely resembled the Pokémon games. The problem is battling takes a lot of effort to do, would be awkward to fit in to the AA now considering it has been built specifically without battles in mind and would essentially turn it into a web based Pokémon clone, at which point you might as well play the real Pokémon games as they do it better.
That being said the Pokémon Armies feature will probably be the closest thing to Pokémon battling you'll find on the AA, though it's not intended to end up like regular Pokémon battles.
With the addition of Pokemon Contests and a dynamic Beauty stat, will a maxed out Beauty be a second way to evolve Feebas, or will the Prism Scale remain the only way to get Milotic?
3DS friend code: 0705-3626-6575 (Poison Friend Safari with Cascoon, Ariados, and Toxicroak)
Mordecham wrote:With the addition of Pokemon Contests and a dynamic Beauty stat, will a maxed out Beauty be a second way to evolve Feebas, or will the Prism Scale remain the only way to get Milotic?
Good question, I haven't really thought about it. I suppose there's no reason to stop a high enough Beauty stat from evolving Milotic.
what about a training ground to help our pokemon get to a higher level without having to solely rely on time and everyone else? maybe even evolve them idk
Lanrete wrote:what about a training ground to help our pokemon get to a higher level without having to solely rely on time and everyone else? maybe even evolve them idk
I believe this is what the pokemon ranch is for, and in the future we have a suggestion topic. That goes for a lot of you.
bennett999 wrote:you have to add gen 6 pokemon when x and y comes out in octuber
All pokemon are/will be added/released eventually in the need to tell/demand them to add those when the game won't even be released till much later this year ^^'
First to have Pikachu (Lightning) and Raichu (Thunder) on the AA! Trainer card made by Undead!