( veiw diffrent posts for more advatars, and to let you know, the problem above was taken care of, my advatar is now smaller, and you can get mine too!)
Advatars are one of my favorite to make, and preety challenging! They can be made with Recoulored Sprites, Images or just coulors! ANything you want can be on them! Advatars, like banners are easy to make for me, so we promise that it is done in 1 hour or less ( its never an hour ) or you get a macthing banner, button and a recolured sprite, along with the Advatar!
"I dont think anyone can raise a legendary pokemon from the very start of there training days execpt me..........and I live to regret it" Miana Draken [Me]
You see that sprite Advatar? THATS ME! YAY! MY FIRST REAL TRAINER SPRITE! YAY!
12 year old game designer! Isent that nice?