The Word Association Thread Part II

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The Word Association Thread Part II

Post by Pikachu90000 »

This is something that proved so popular when someone started it on another forum upon which I'm
a member of, it grew to be the most popular thread on the entire forum, reaching more than 100 pages!

So, I'm starting it again, only this time, right here at The Pika Club.

Here's how we play the game. I'll start with a fairly random word, and then you post the first word that comes to mind as a quoted reply. For instance, if the word we start off with is "Pikachu", then the first word that might come to mind would most probably
likely be "Pokemon". In which case, quote the previous post, and put "Pokemon" in your reply (preferably without the quotation marks) directly underneath Also you need to explain what the word means:
Pokemon-a popular game for GameBoy. If someone doesn't follow the rules it will start over again, and they can't play for 24 hours...

Then just click on the "Submit" button. The next person could then submit a word that's
associated with "pokemon" such
as "pokeballs", or "pokedex", and so it continues. It's as simple as that . . .

Can't play ppl

(We'll continue until we all run out of suggestions, or just get bored with it!)

Let's start with:
Macintosh Operating System 10- A OS that looks good and is pretty good, it is better than Windows 98
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