This forum is for the sharing of friend codes, discussions and hosting of games/tournaments and any other information pertaining to the Nintendo WiFi service and games which utilise it.
Hey, anyone want to visit each other on AC:WW? We could come to my town or go to yours. My native fruit is apple and I have one coconut tree growing, though it hasn't blossomed fruit yet. If so, add my friend code in the AC:WW friend codes sticky and tell me to add yours and then be online at the same time! If you're coming to my village though, you mustn't destroy anything
I want to visit someone's town. I have a few cherries and my native fruit are apples. I have 10 coconut trees. My Wifi router is kinds screwed up but it still works. If you want something we can trade items in my town. But dont kill any trees are kill my flowers.
Someone could visit my town, I have a lot of cherries, oranges, apples, peaches, and coconuts. It's also summer in my town, so you can catch a lot of rare fish and bugs. Though if you do come do not and I repeat do not talk to any of my neighbors without asking and don't destroy anything.