Ch 1:THe Treasures

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

"In the writing it said something about a test Crystal. Your probly gone to have to fight something so you need to be prepared." she said while remembering what was in the writing.

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Post by Secreyes »

"So, Everyone JUST LEFT ME BEHIND!!! SOMEONE OPEN THIS STATUE!!! I HATE WORMS!!! Wait Thats not a worm, IT'S A WRYM!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Secreyes... Kindrindra's final form...
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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Jade remembered Zumee "Guys keep on going." she teleported but landed on Zumee "Sorry my landing was off. Need help?"

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Post by zen »

Drake sighed when he heard Zumee shouting

"If he didn't run off, then he would've been here with us..."

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Post by pikapower06 »

"Wonder what I could be faced with."
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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Jade helped Zumeee up. "Pick ethier finish the loser worm off or go meet the others."

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Post by Secreyes »

"That's A Wrym (Dragon/Snake/Worm)!!!
I'm Going to... (Duh!) Meet the others"

<Uses peice of Unicorn Horn (Not from cristal, Just bought... for 24.99!(Only!))
To teleport to the others>

"That was... Scary... Now I REEEELY want to stop that evil guy"

OOC: What was "That evil guy"'s name again? :OOC
Secreyes... Kindrindra's final form...
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Post by zen »

OOC: We're already behind the statue

"Oh, you're back" Drake said to Jade and Zumee "Now where do we go?"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

OOC:Veal is his name. :-D

Jade teleported "Okay let's see this way." she walked strait. She picked up a sitch and lit it with the flame Drake made. "It's no use we use our powers alot once where close to the treasure it will start to exsorb magic little by little."

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Post by Secreyes »

OOC: Thought so... :OOC

"So, when we are so close victory is in sight, weel be sitting ducks (Or should I say running ducks?) for things like that Wrym?!?! No... WORSE THINGS!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Secreyes... Kindrindra's final form...
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Post by zen »

OOC: Oops...

Drake sighed "We're not dead, keep you're cool"

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Post by Houndourgrl//Jade »

Jade laughed. "Cill it only takes our powers abilities to recharge." Jade said continuing to the treasure."

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Post by Secreyes »

"Oh, So we'll have limited magic when we're close? OK"
Secreyes... Kindrindra's final form...
My fav webs:
The pika club:[Alredy here!] dmw''s RPG: ... hp?act=idx
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Post by pikapower06 »

"Ok. Anything else up?"
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Post by zen »

"Ask Jade, I can't really read that writing on the wall..." Drake said

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