Theres going to be A psychic legendary TRIO in DP
As well as Diaruga/Parukia. That makes 4 legendaries. Below is a pic of what looks like a legendary too:
But Im not fazed as there were 7 Legendaries in Pokemon emerald.
So... Diaruga/Parukia being Rayquaza and The psychic TRIO being the Regis. DP is a hell of a good game
Firstly: It IS a legendary.
Secondly: Its stats rule! Mine had 307 HP at lv.70 and currently at lv.77 it has 355 HP or something close to that.
Its defense rocks. It SP.Attack is OK, its other stats are alright
Next there are TONS of legendaries in DP,
3 TRIO, Diaruga & Parukia, Girchina, Cresia, Darkai, Sheimi, Regigigas, Areseus - god pokemon
PS. Diaruga & Parukia are clones of Aruseus made by himself and separeted to control Time & Space
A lot of the d/p pokemon don't look pokemonish to me. You look at a
charizard and see a firebreathing dragon. You can look at some of the d/p
pokemon and you wouldn't be able to decipher what exactly, they where
based on. But still, It promises to be a really good game. What with the
underground and things like that. I think that pokemon in the pic was
caught with a timer ball, so yeah... it could be legend. I'll go with Myuuzard.
D/P features:
Underground for trading.
Day/Night feature
Better Contests
Trading with 3rd generation games (Wish they did it with the 1st and 2nd gens to the 3rd gens...)
And probably tons more!
P.S. I heard bad roumers that there is going to be another Ninetendo event
pokemon... And it's not obtanable any other way... Not sure what it is though.
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