Info:there is 2 Main People on the Evil side. And 3 Main people on the good side. Now that means that the 3 on the evil side are the 2 main evils. there can and will be more on that side. but more like henchmen type charators. The same goes for the good side. the first people who join have the choice in wheather they want to be one of the main charactors or not. I will be one of them.(so the first 5 people)
Basically The two sides are fighting, trying to kill each other.(yes good is trying to kill evil) Evil side must be EVIL! if not go to the good side. Your charrie can decide to go to the good side or vice versa. You can be angels demons whatever. Half animals i will accept as well as magic and powers. Try to keep it E-rated. and if possible post a picture of your charactor. Follow the form for joining and have fun!
note: once the RP begians i will be no longer accepting people to join.
Code: Select all
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Picture of charrie?*optional*[/b]
[b]Good or Evil?:[/b]
[b]Type?:[/b](Angel? Demon? FAllen Angel?)
[b]Abiltity:[/b](can you fly? Dissappear?)
[b]Other:[/b](anything else you want to say goes here)
My description:
Name: Saki
Eye color: A dark blue. Almost black
Hair color: Dark purple
Picture of charrie?*optional*
Good or Evil?:Evil
Type?:Fallen Angel
Abiltity:Can fly
Wepon: Sword
Other:She wears something like this:
also one of the mains on evl side