A few facts to make your qualified:
1) They don't know which types of food are harmful in this new world and which aren't
2) They can fly off and are at ultimate evolution state. (Preferrably a very strong type.)
3) Their history contains them ever since birth being raised by a trainer.
These Pokémon were never prepared for life like this.
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Attacks: (At most, 10)
Age: (Teenager, Adult, Oldie)
Gender: (F/M)
Name: Crystal
Attacks: Psywave, Psychic, Dragon Claw, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Steel Wing, Ice Beam, Water Pulse, Protect, Aerial Ace.
Age: Teenager
Gender: F
History: She was hatched in a Lab, and raised by a girl name Amara. She released Crystal into the wild one day, fearing a guy that had his eyes on the Latias would steal her.