- Yellow-Chan
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The next day the real Pancake got up sleeply. "whoop-de-do...Anouther painful day at shcool, at least it's friday..." She muttered.

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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Pancake draged her self to shcool. 'great'

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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Pancake got on the bus and sat there quitely as ever, same thing as in shcool. You'd never know that she was the same loud mouth in "The World"

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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The day passed by simingly quickly, and it was time to go soon. 'great anouther day has passed and nothing's changed' The real Pancake thought, dissapointed that she still hasn't said a word since she started high shool. 'I wish I could be the same as Pancake in the game, Fragment...'

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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'At lest I can be myself in fragment...' She thought as the bus drove her home. 'yay my stop's coming up!'

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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Finaly getting home, the real Pancake plopped down on her desk and booted up the computer, it seemed to take for ever, really about a minet. Then when the computer finshed loading she clicked on the icon on her desktop for fragment. "Come on, I thout Altimit was saposted to be the 'perfect' operateing system, suviving Plouto's Kiss, my ***, I bet they're in cahoots with that hacker all along!"

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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"Hi I see you just got on, too," Pancake said with a grin.

Poli the Level 124 LM4
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- Yellow-Chan
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"Ok, we probably got something from all those monsers last night, and whail you wern't paying attention I grabed some treaser boxes before we left" Pancake cheaked her invatory.

Poli the Level 124 LM4
Get your own Glitch Pokemon at Glitch City Labs!
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