Graphics/Fan Art

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Dark Shocktail
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Graphics/Fan Art

Post by Dark Shocktail »

If we make a sprite of, say, a Pokemon: does it belong in Fan Art (since it is fan art of an offical/copyrighted character) or in Graphics (because it's a sprite/hand made by us)?

Just a little bit of confusion on where I should place my artwork...
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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

if it's a sprite, i'd say graphics... especially if its of pokemon

Not only that, we dont actually HAVE a Fan Art forum. The Fan work forum does state you can post pictures in it though. So really you could post in either if you wanted to. Just dont post the same thing in both forums, we dont like that
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Dark Shocktail
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Post by Dark Shocktail »

Ah, I see now. Thankies!
My cheeks are overloading, my teeth are bared and I have a target painted all over you...

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