Super Smash Bros. Page

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Super Smash Bros. Page

Post by Dark Shocktail »

I've tried to edit it to include all of the Pokemon that come out of the Pokeballs, but it's come up with an error.
A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:

(SQL query hidden)

from within function "SearchMySQL4::update". MySQL returned error "145: Table './srg_pika/wiki_searchindex' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (localhost)".
I haven't broken it....right? =S
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Post by WhoKnows_WhoCares »

I tried to edit a page the other day and got that as well, or at least soemthing similar

Any Ideas?
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Post by Pikachu3828 »

Thanks for reporting, it has been fixed.

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Red: 151/151 | Gold: 247/251 | Fire Red: 376/386 | Heart Gold: 493/493 | Black: 649/649

Please do not PM me about bugs on the Adoption Agency. Instead, make a topic in the bugs forum.
