These are all of my pokemon. They are all at level 100. If you want natures and ablities please tell me.
Please be seroius wall you rate my team. Any adviced will be helpful.
Thanks to all the help.
Ok first of all, using two Water moves limits your coverage, so combine Thunder (which has never miss accuracy in rain) with Ice Beam for 99% coverage (only not doing much against Magnezone, Lanturn and Shedinja, only the last of which you will see in the ubers metagame). Protect is generally useful in double battles, so it's worth keeping. Anyway, Timid nature gives it some speed, and Kyogre can already hit hard
Kingdra @ Expert Belt
Trait: Swift Swim
EV: 252 SpAtt 252 Speed 6 HP
Nature: Modest
Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Swift Swim will allow you to get the drop on Deoxys Attack, which otherwise causes your team real trouble. Draco Meteor hurts a lot of things, and steels are less common in ubers (but they are seen, so don't think you can use Draco Meteor unscathed). Hit and run here, since Draco Meteor is a one-shot thing, but it allows Kingdra to go out with a bang, and does reasonable damage to Kyogre (makes for a good switch in with 4 x water resistance).
No Psychic? Why? Well, for one thing, most things in ubers are part Psychic or resist it (Darkrai being immune). Weather effects change the game a lot, so make use of moves which harness the weather, Thunder and Flamethrower, Ice Beam does a number on Rayquaza, and Shadow Ball for other things like Deoxys. Mewtwo while not frail is not built for a bulky setup, so use it's monstrous SpAtt and go hurt things with Choice Specs.
Rayquaza @ Muscle Belt/Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Air Lock
EV: 252 Att / 252 Speed / 6 HP
Nature: Adamant
Dragon Dance
Heavy physical damage is the order of the day here, and Rayquaza is good for the job. Outrage hurts lots of things, and Earthquake for Metagross which is often seen. Skarmory obviously stops this set cold, but you can put a Fire move in place of Extremespeed if you don't feel you need a first-strike move.
I would suggest a replacement for both Suicune and Altaria. Relying on too many water types even in a Kyogre based team has it's downside, a physical wall like Skarmory would be an ideal replacement to stop physical attackers easily sweeping you away. Altaria doesn't have the defences to survive against ubers, and even worse offense, plus it gives you an extra Dragon/Ice weakness with Rayquaza and Kingdra. Suggestion here would be something to help you counter Groudon teams, a heavy hitting Chlorophyll Sunnybeamer like Exeggutor or Shiftry would be ideal