Pokemon Sunday Info

So Pokemon Sunday made thier big announcment this week, the one that everyone knew before it was officially confirmed… Pokemon Heart Gold and Pokemon Soul Silver will be in Japanese stores by the end of the year. And that’s about all they said. They didn’t really reveal anything else, so we all hope that CoroCoro Magazine will do that later this week.

What Pokemon Sunday did show was a brief clip of the new game, so we can see just what the new game will look like. for a comparison, i’ve gotten a shot of how the original game looked when you played it on a Game Boy Colour on the left, while the right picture shows you how the new game will look on your DS… and it looks GOOD

How it use to look, and how it does now

How it use to look, and how it does now

You’ll notice that there’s a little green blob following our main hero. That’s a Chikorita and in the clip, this little green starter followed the main character around town. Is this just a temporary thing in the game, or will this work like it used to with Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow? Only time and additional info will answer that. More pictures follow the link, including some new art of the 3 starters… we’ll bring you more info on the games when we learn it.

First up, a couple of more In-Game shots showing New Bark town, The Hero, Chickorita and Silver hiding in the corner looking through Prof Elm’s Window.


And Next, the new Starters art:




If you want to see the full Pokemon Sunday announcement, its found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvatNAUKFmQ – the whole vid is about 7 minutes long, but the (very short) game footage is at about 4.20 and 4.55 (its show twice as the show makes a joke at how sort the footage is the first time).

And that’s all we have for now – more will come