# 224 - Octillery

# 225 - Delibird

# 226 - Mantine

Delibird - ?????

"It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains."
Gender ratio Species Colour
Delivery Red
Egg Group(s) Lv 100 Exp Shape
Water 1
800,000 Coming soon

Base stats
HPAttackDefense Special attackSpecial defenseSpeed

Evolutionary Chain

EV Data

Height Weight Abilities Wild Item
2' 11 35.3lb Vital Sprit
Catch Rate Steps to hatch Base Happiness Classification
45 5,120 70 Mountains
German French Japanese Romaji
Botogel Cadoizo ????? Delibird

Pokédex Flavours
Black It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains.
White It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains.
Gold It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had.
Silver It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food to its awaiting chicks.
Crystal It always carries its food with it, wherever it goes. If attacked, it throws its food at the opponent.
Ruby DELIBIRD carries its food bundled up in its tail. There once was a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of Mt. Everest thanks to one of these POKéMON sharing its food.
Sapphire DELIBIRD carries its food bundled up in its tail. There once was a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of Mt. Everest thanks to one of these POKéMON sharing its food.
Emerald It carries food bundled up in its tail. There was a famous explorer who managed to scale Mt. Everest thanks to a DELIBIRD sharing its food.
Fire Red It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food to its awaiting chicks.
Leaf Green It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had.
Diamond It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains.
Pearl It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains.
Platinum It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains.
Heart Gold It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by its stored food.
Soul Silver It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food to its awaiting chicks.

Black/White Learned Moves
Present1NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense11590

Black/White Egg Moves
Ice PunchIceThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7515100
Ice ShardIceThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4030100
Ice BallIceThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense302090
Fake OutNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4010100
Future SightPsychicThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense10010100
Rapid SpinNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense2040100
Icy WindIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense551595
SplashNormalThis move does not deal damage0400
Quick AttackNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4030100
Aurora BeamIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense6520100
BestowNormalThis move does not deal damage0150

Black/White Tutor Moves

Black/White TH/HM Moves
FlyFlyingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense901595
Hidden PowerNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
Rain DanceWaterThis move does not deal damage050
HailIceThis move does not deal damage0100
FacadeNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
Brick BreakFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7515100
Aerial AceFlyingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense60200
PluckFlyingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense6020100
FlingDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense110100
RoundNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense6015100
FrustrationNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
ReturnNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
AttractNormalThis move does not deal damage015100
Ice BeamIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9510100
BlizzardIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120570
ToxicPoisonThis move does not deal damage01090
Double TeamNormalThis move does not deal damage0150
RestPsychicThis move does not deal damage0100
SubstituteNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
ThiefDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4010100
ProtectNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
SwaggerNormalThis move does not deal damage01590
Frost BreathIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense401090