# 622 - Golett

# 623 - Golurk

# 624 - Pawniard

Golurk - ????

"It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control."
Gender ratio Species Colour
Automaton Green
Egg Group(s) Lv 100 Exp Shape
1,000,000 Coming soon

Base stats
HPAttackDefense Special attackSpecial defenseSpeed

Evolutionary Chain
From level 43

EV Data

Height Weight Abilities Wild Item
9'02 727.5lb Iron Fist
Light Clay
Catch Rate Steps to hatch Base Happiness Classification
90 0 70
German French Japanese Romaji
Golgantes Golemastoc ???? Goruugu

Pokédex Flavours
Black It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control.
White It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient people who made them.

Black/White Learned Moves
Pound1NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4035100
Astonish1GhostThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense3015100
Defense Curl1NormalThis move does not deal damage0400
Mud-Slap1GroundThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense2010100
Mud-Slap5GroundThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense2010100
Rollout9RockThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense302090
Shadow Punch13GhostThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense60200
Iron Defense17SteelThis move does not deal damage0150
Mega Punch21NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense802085
Magnitude25GroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense130100
DynamicPunch30FightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense100550
Night Shade35GhostThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
Curse40GhostThis move does not deal damage0100
Heavy Slam43SteelThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense110100
Earthquake50GroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense10010100
Hammer Arm60FightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense1001090
Focus Punch70FightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense15020100

Black/White Egg Moves

Black/White Tutor Moves

Black/White TH/HM Moves
FlyFlyingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense901595
FlingDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense110100
Gyro BallSteelThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense15100
Rock TombRockThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense501080
Brick BreakFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7515100
FacadeNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
Rock SmashFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4015100
Shadow BallGhostThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense8015100
Rain DanceWaterThis move does not deal damage050
Rock PolishRockThis move does not deal damage0200
Focus BlastFightingThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120570
RoundNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense6015100
Low SweepFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense6020100
TelekinesisPsychicThis move does not deal damage0150
Charge BeamElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense501090
Grass KnotGrassThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120100
Stone EdgeRockThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense100580
Flash CannonSteelThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense8010100
Giga ImpactNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense150590
Hidden PowerNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
SafeguardNormalThis move does not deal damage0250
PsychicPsychicThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9010100
ToxicPoisonThis move does not deal damage01090
EarthquakeGroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense10010100
ThunderboltElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9515100
SolarBeamGrassThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense12010100
StrengthNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8015100
Hyper BeamNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense150590
Ice BeamIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9510100
Double TeamNormalThis move does not deal damage0150
FlashNormalThis move does not deal damage020100
FrustrationNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
ReturnNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
SwaggerNormalThis move does not deal damage01590
ProtectNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
ThiefDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4010100
SubstituteNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
Rock SlideRockThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense751090
RestPsychicThis move does not deal damage0100
BulldozeGroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense6020100