# 159 - Croconaw

# 160 - Feraligatr

# 161 - Sentret

Feraligatr - ?????

"It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey."
Gender ratio Species Colour
Big Jaw Blue
Egg Group(s) Lv 100 Exp Shape
Water 1
1,059,860 Coming soon

Base stats
HPAttackDefense Special attackSpecial defenseSpeed

Evolutionary Chain
From level 18From level 30

EV Data

Height Weight Abilities Wild Item
7' 07 195.8lb Torrent
Catch Rate Steps to hatch Base Happiness Classification
45 0 70 Lake
German French Japanese Romaji
Impergator Aligatueur ????? Ordile

Pokédex Flavours
Black It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey.
White It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey.
Gold When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up.
Silver It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast.
Crystal Although it has a massive body, its powerful hind legs enable it to move quickly, even on the ground.
Ruby FERALIGATR intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed.
Sapphire FERALIGATR intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed.
Emerald It opens its huge mouth to intimidate enemies. In battle, it runs using its thick and powerful hind legs to charge the foe with incredible speed.
Fire Red It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast.
Leaf Green When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears up its victim.
Diamond It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey.
Pearl It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey.
Platinum It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey.
Heart Gold When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up.
Soul Silver It is hard for it to support its weight out of water, so it sometimes gets down on all fours. But it moves fast.

Black/White Learned Moves
Scratch1NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4035100
Leer1NormalThis move does not deal damage030100
Water Gun1WaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense4025100
Rage1NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense2020100
Water Gun6WaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense4025100
Rage8NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense2020100
Bite13DarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense6025100
Scary Face15NormalThis move does not deal damage01090
Ice Fang21IceThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense651595
Flail24NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense115100
Agility30PsychicThis move does not deal damage0300
Crunch32DarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8015100
Chip Away37NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
Slash45NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
Screech50NormalThis move does not deal damage04085
Thrash58NormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense12010100
Aqua Tail63WaterThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense901090
Superpower71FightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense1205100
Hydro Pump76WaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120580

Black/White Egg Moves

Black/White Tutor Moves
Hydro CannonWaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense150590
Water PledgeWaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense5010100

Black/White TH/HM Moves
Swords DanceNormalThis move does not deal damage0300
Rock TombRockThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense501080
DiveWaterThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8010100
Brick BreakFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7515100
FacadeNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
HailIceThis move does not deal damage0100
Rock SmashFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4015100
Rain DanceWaterThis move does not deal damage050
Hidden PowerNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
Aerial AceFlyingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense60200
Dragon ClawDragonThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8015100
BulldozeGroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense6020100
ScaldWaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense8015100
RoundNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense6015100
Hone ClawsDarkThis move does not deal damage0150
Shadow ClawGhostThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7015100
Giga ImpactNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense150590
Focus BlastFightingThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120570
FlingDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense110100
FrustrationNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
ReturnNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
EarthquakeGroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense10010100
StrengthNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8015100
Hyper BeamNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense150590
BlizzardIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120570
Ice BeamIceThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9510100
SurfWaterThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9515100
RoarNormalThis move does not deal damage020100
CutNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense503095
DigGroundThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8010100
ToxicPoisonThis move does not deal damage01090
AttractNormalThis move does not deal damage015100
SwaggerNormalThis move does not deal damage01590
ProtectNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
SubstituteNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
Rock SlideRockThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense751090
RestPsychicThis move does not deal damage0100
WaterfallWaterThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense8015100
Double TeamNormalThis move does not deal damage0150
Dragon TailDragonThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense601090