# 171 - Lanturn

# 172 - Pichu

# 173 - Cleffa

Pichu - ????

"The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked."
Gender ratio Species Colour
Tiny Mouse Yellow
Egg Group(s) Lv 100 Exp Shape
1,000,000 Coming soon

Base stats
HPAttackDefense Special attackSpecial defenseSpeed

Evolutionary Chain
Happiness ≥ 220 Thunder Stone

EV Data

Height Weight Abilities Wild Item
0' 12 4.4lb Static
Catch Rate Steps to hatch Base Happiness Classification
190 2,560 70 Forest
German French Japanese Romaji
Pichu Pichu ???? Pichu

Pokédex Flavours
Black The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked.
White The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked.
Gold It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.
Silver Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself.
Crystal It is unskilled at storing electric power. Any kind of shock causes it to discharge energy spontaneously.
Ruby PICHU charges itself with electricity more easily on days with thunderclouds or when the air is very dry. You can hear the crackling of static electricity coming off this POKéMON.
Sapphire When PICHU plays with others, it may short out electricity with another PICHU, creating a shower of sparks. In that event, this POKéMON will begin crying, startled by the flash of sparks.
Emerald It is still inept at retaining electricity. When it is startled, it discharges power accidentally. It gets better at holding power as it grows older.
Fire Red Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself.
Leaf Green It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.
Diamond The electric pouches on its cheeks are still small. They cannot store much electricity yet.
Pearl It plays with others by touching tails and setting off sparks. This appears to be a test of courage.
Platinum The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked.
Heart Gold It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.
Soul Silver Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself.

Black/White Learned Moves
ThunderShock1ElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense4030100
Charm1NormalThis move does not deal damage020100
Tail Whip5NormalThis move does not deal damage030100
Thunder Wave10ElectricThis move does not deal damage020100
Sweet Kiss13NormalThis move does not deal damage01075
Nasty Plot18DarkThis move does not deal damage0200

Black/White Egg Moves
DoubleSlapNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense151085
Lucky ChantNormalThis move does not deal damage0300
TickleNormalThis move does not deal damage020100
WishNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
ChargeElectricThis move does not deal damage0200
Fake OutNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4010100
EncoreNormalThis move does not deal damage05100
PresentNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense11590
EndureNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
ReversalFightingThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense115100
FlailNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense115100
BideNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense1100
ThunderPunchElectricThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7515100
BestowNormalThis move does not deal damage0150

Black/White Tutor Moves

Black/White TH/HM Moves
ThunderboltElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9515100
FrustrationNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
Hidden PowerNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
Rain DanceWaterThis move does not deal damage050
FacadeNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
FlingDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense110100
Grass KnotGrassThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120100
Charge BeamElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense501090
RoundNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense6015100
Echoed VoiceNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense4015100
Volt SwitchElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense7020100
ReturnNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
AttractNormalThis move does not deal damage015100
Thunder WaveElectricThis move does not deal damage020100
ThunderElectricThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense1201070
ToxicPoisonThis move does not deal damage01090
Double TeamNormalThis move does not deal damage0150
Light ScreenPsychicThis move does not deal damage0300
FlashNormalThis move does not deal damage020100
RestPsychicThis move does not deal damage0100
SubstituteNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
ProtectNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
SwaggerNormalThis move does not deal damage01590
Wild ChargeElectricThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense9015100