# 606 - Beheeyem

# 607 - Litwick

# 608 - Lampent

Litwick - ????

"Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns."
Gender ratio Species Colour
Candle White
Egg Group(s) Lv 100 Exp Shape
1,059,860 Coming soon

Base stats
HPAttackDefense Special attackSpecial defenseSpeed

Evolutionary Chain
From level 41 Dusk Stone

EV Data
Special Attack

Height Weight Abilities Wild Item
1'00 6.8lb Flash Fire
Flame Body
Catch Rate Steps to hatch Base Happiness Classification
190 5,120 70
German French Japanese Romaji
Lichtel Funécire ???? Hitomoshi

Pokédex Flavours
Black Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns.
White While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it.

Black/White Learned Moves
Ember1FireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense4025100
Astonish1GhostThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense3015100
Minimize3NormalThis move does not deal damage0200
Smog5PoisonThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense202070
Fire Spin7FireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense351585
Confuse Ray10GhostThis move does not deal damage010100
Night Shade13GhostThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
Will-O-Wisp16FireThis move does not deal damage01575
Flame Burst20FireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense7015100
Imprison24PsychicThis move does not deal damage0100
Hex28GhostThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense5010100
Memento33DarkThis move does not deal damage010100
Inferno38FireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense100550
Curse43GhostThis move does not deal damage0100
Shadow Ball49GhostThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense8015100
Pain Split55NormalThis move does not deal damage0200
Overheat61FireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense140590

Black/White Egg Moves
AcidPoisonThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense4030100
HazeIceThis move does not deal damage0300
Acid ArmorPoisonThis move does not deal damage0400
EndureNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
Heat WaveFireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense1001090
CaptivateNormalThis move does not deal damage020100
Clear SmogPoisonThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense50150

Black/White Tutor Moves

Black/White TH/HM Moves
FlamethrowerFireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9515100
Sunny DayFireThis move does not deal damage050
Psych UpNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
Shadow BallGhostThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense8015100
Will-O-WispFireThis move does not deal damage01575
FacadeNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense7020100
TauntDarkThis move does not deal damage020100
OverheatFireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense140590
Calm MindPsychicThis move does not deal damage0200
PaybackDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense5010100
EmbargoDarkThis move does not deal damage015100
Energy BallGrassThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense8010100
Trick RoomPsychicThis move does not deal damage050
TelekinesisPsychicThis move does not deal damage0150
Flame ChargeFireThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense5020100
RoundNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense6015100
Hidden PowerNormalThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense115100
SafeguardNormalThis move does not deal damage0250
SolarBeamGrassThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense12010100
ToxicPoisonThis move does not deal damage01090
PsychicPsychicThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense9010100
Double TeamNormalThis move does not deal damage0150
Fire BlastFireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense120585
Dream EaterPsychicThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense10015100
FlashNormalThis move does not deal damage020100
RestPsychicThis move does not deal damage0100
SubstituteNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
ThiefDarkThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense4010100
ProtectNormalThis move does not deal damage0100
SwaggerNormalThis move does not deal damage01590
AttractNormalThis move does not deal damage015100
ReturnNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
FrustrationNormalThis is a physical move, relying on Attack and Defense120100
IncinerateFireThis is a special move, relying on Special Attack and Special Defense3015100