New Pokémon tentatively announced

A few days ago an image was leaked on a Japanese imageboard purporting to be from a developmental sheet for the Pokémon anime. What is interesting is that this image, while small and blurry, seems to show off 4 new Pokémon including evolutions for two of the starters.

As ‘new Pokémon’ scans always pop up during development of a new Pokémon generation this was not paid much heed until recently when the new girl from the character sheet appeared in silhouette form at the end of the trailer for the new Pokémon anime series, ‘Pocket Monsters Best Wishes’ which was shown after a trailer for the new movie in Japan after this week’s latest Pokémon anime episode.

This isn’t confirmed news by any means but the consistency of the girl lends it credence. Since the sheet is so small it’s hard to clearly see what the names of the new Pokémon are – the best guess given is that the Pokémon to the left of Jesse’s head is  コロモリ (Koromori). With such tiny text it’s really anyone’s guess until more information is revealed and we can say for sure whether this is real or not.

New Pokémon announced

It seems Pokémon Sunday offered more than just a firm Japanese release date but the rest seemed to pass us by unnoticed somehow. We’re here to fix this now because Pokémon Sunday also revealed some other important things: a couple of trailers, one of which reveals some new Pokémon! These videos are courtesy of

The first one shows some meager footage and isn’t especially exciting. The most notable revelation is the Japanese release date.

The second video however is much more exciting as it offers up footage of 8 new Pokémon!

As you can see, as well as new Pokémon the footage also reveals that Pokémon Black/White will have 3 on 3 battles! As for the new Pokémon, information for your dissemination below.

Moguryu (モグリュー) – A mole Pokémon by the look of things.

Doryuuzu (ドリュウズ) – The evolution of Moguryu

Desukan (デスカーン) – What looks to be a sarcophagus Pokémon.

Ononokusu (オノノクス) – A mantis-esque Pokémon. Definitely my favourite of the bunch.

Denchura (デンチュラ) – A tarantula Pokémon.

??? (???) – Then we have 3 new Pokémon we don’t know anything about. These were used to show off the new 3-on-3 battle feature but we didn’t get a look at their names unfortunately. What looks like a ghost type thing, a rock type thing and a…who knows what that thing on the end is supposed to be.

So what do you think of the new Pokémon? Join the discussion in the comments and on our forums!

New HG/SS CoroCoro scans

We’re a bit behind with this news and for that I apologise; I am busy sorting out travelling plans and WhoKnows_WhoCares is busy trying to get our server fixed to stop us from going down every now and then. Between the two of us it’s been hard to keep up with the latest Pokemon news. Rest assured though, we are still doing our best to keep you informed! The server should be fully functioning again soon which means normal news and service should resume shortly.

Onto Pokemon news! The latest issue of CoroCoro has revealed some more information about Heart Gold/Soul Silver as well as some pretty pictures! This picture comes from Bulbanews.

August Issue of CoroCoro

Click for full size image.

As you can see from the scan, it looks to be a fairly graphically impressive game (especially the 3D Lugia/Ho-Oh parts). There aren’t many groundbreaking revelations to be had, although Eusine shows up, who previously was only found in Pokemon Crystal, lending the possibility that Suicine/the 3 legendary dogs will have as important a role to play in the game as they did in Crystal.  The dancing Kimono girls from Ecrutaek City will have a role to play in the storyline and will be present at several points among your journey this time round.

Some Pokemon stats for those interested:

  • The Legendary dogs are at level 40
  • Lugia and Ho-Oh are at level 45
  • Red Gyarados is at level 30
  • The level 1 Pokemon created by trading Arceus to HG/SS know the following special moves:
    • Dialga – Metal Burst
    • Palkia – Hydro Pump
    • Giratina – Shadow Sneak


Some mini-games have also been confirmed as present in HG/SS, but so far the only one known is Pokéthlon, pictured above. These mini-games replace the Pokemon Super Contests found in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, since they were never present in the original Johto. Pokéthlon is a simple track and field type mini-game where the stylus is used to tap on your Pokemon and perform a variety of events.

Like contests, your Pokemon have 5 important statistics:

  • Speed
  • Power
  • Stamina
  • Technique
  • Jump

Power is measured by stars. Speed can have up to 5, Power up to 4 and the rest up to 3.

There are two domes present:  Track Dome and Jump Dome. These house the running and jumping mini-games, respectively.

Oha Suta releases new Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver info

Japanese television show Oha Suta aired recently giving us some more insight into how events work in Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

Pichu event in action

Pichu event in action

When players travel to Ilex Forest with Pikachu coloured Pichu (a movie event download) tagging along, Notch-eared Pichu will jump out from behind the shrine. An old man then comes out and explains things in more detail.

Pichu battle

Pichu battle

More information about Arceus has also been revealed. The Arceus given away at cinemas in Japan will unlock a new region called Shinto Ruins if traded to Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver. However to unlock the region Arceus must first be brought along to the Ruins of Alph where Cynthia will be waiting.


Unown swarming Arceus

The Unown will then gather around Arceus before an egg is made of either Dialga, Palkia or Giratina.

Hit the jump for the video of Oha Suta.

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Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver to come with Pedometer

Another Pokemon Sunday, another update regarding Heart Gold/Soul Silver. This time it’s a pedometer, in the same vain as the Pocket Pikachu from so long ago.



As you can see above, the design is taken after that of a regular Pokéball. It has three face buttons and a monochrome display. You can transmit one Pokemon from your Heart Gold/Soul Silver game to it via what is assumed to be (judging by the picture) an infrared sensor on your game card. As you walk around with the pedometer, your Pokemon gains experience points and happiness.  Mini-games will be included.

It’s unknown if this will be available outside of Japan as of yet.

More Information on Twelfth Pokemon Movie

Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime Poster

Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime Poster

Arceus: To a Conquering Spacetime Poster

Some more information has come in regarding the twelfth Pokemon movie. Three voice actors have been confirmed: Akihiro Miwa, Kii Kitano and Masahiro Takashima. Who the latter two will voice is currently unknown, but it has been confirmed that Arceus will be voiced by Akihiro Miwa, better known for his work in Princess Mononoke.

More information has also been revealed regarding the Pichu and Arceus due to be given away with the movie.

Continue reading

Brand New TPC News Blog

The 4th version of The Pika Club’s website has been in development for a while now, and it’s still in development. This is not v4, just to clear things up. However, while we wait for development for v4 to finish, we’ve thought we’d put something kind of content for people to view.


So here’s our News Blog. In it, we’ll try to bring you all the latest news that’s going on in the Pokemon world… like when Pokemon Platinum will be released in America (March 22nd) and Europe (TBA), about the new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game announced (Explorers of the sky, due out sometime this Spring in Japan, no release plans for other regions), new Trading Card Game set, called Platinum, being released 11th February, and the 11th movie, Giratina and the Sky Warrior being released on DVD in America in spring (no specific date yet. Also don’t bother asking for European release dates, we’re still waiting for the 7th movie to be released over here)


Well, they’re just a few examples of the kind of news we hope to bring.


And on a side note, a couple of years ago, we used to use the web address, then due to circumstances beyond our control we lost that one and had to use our current one of Well, the good news is that we now own again. Both links will lead to exactly the same site (currently .com redirects to but its good to know that all our old links out there on the web now work again and point back here.

Maximize Your Security Deposit: The Ultimate Move Out Cleaning Checklist

Moving out? I know, it can be a real hassle. But the good news is that with the right approach, you can get your full security deposit back. 🎉 How? The answer is simple: an effective and thorough cleaning plan. Let’s dive into an ultimate move out cleaning checklist. 📝

Start Early and Plan Ahead ⏰

Begin by preparing a plan well in advance. Don’t leave everything until the last minute! Start cleaning and packing a few weeks before your moving date. This way, you’ll have ample time to deep clean every nook and cranny. It’s also a good idea to take pictures of your apartment before you start the cleaning process. This will help you identify which areas need the most attention.

Identify Key Areas for Cleaning 🔍

Next, identify the areas that need the most attention. It’s a good practice to walk through your apartment room by room. Don’t forget to look at small spaces like the inside of cupboards, beneath the fridge, and behind large furniture. These areas are often overlooked but can hold years of dust and grime. Compare these areas with your pre-cleaning photos to ensure you don’t miss anything. Remember, the more comprehensive your cleaning, the higher your chances of getting your full security deposit back.

Clean from Top to Bottom 🔄

Always remember to clean from top to bottom. Start with wiping down the ceiling, then move on to walls, windows, and eventually the floors. For meticulous move out cleaning in CA, trust our expert team to handle every detail, including cleaning sinks and countertops. This ensures that you’re not knocking dust or dirt onto areas you’ve already cleaned. Clever, right? 🧐

Deep Clean the Kitchen 🍽

The kitchen is often the most-used space in a home, so it requires extra attention. Scrub the oven, clean out the refrigerator, wipe down the countertops, and don’t forget about those hard-to-reach areas behind appliances. Leaving the kitchen spotless will definitely impress your landlord. 😉

Don’t Forget the Bathroom 🛁

The bathroom is another area that needs special attention. Scrub the bathtub, toilet, and sink until they sparkle. Clean the tiles and mirrors to ensure they are free of soap scum and water stains. A shiny, fresh bathroom is hard to argue with, so put in the extra elbow grease! 💪

Pay Attention to Details 🔍

Minor details can make a big difference. Remember to clean light switches, door knobs, window sills, baseboards and any other small details that are often overlooked. These small tasks show that you’ve gone the extra mile. 🏃‍♀️

Final Touches 🎀

After cleaning, do a final walkthrough of your place. Check every room, open every cupboard, and ensure everything is in its best state. If anything is broken or damaged, it’s better to fix it yourself than to leave it for the landlord to deduct from your security deposit. 🔧

So there you have it, the ultimate move out cleaning checklist. With this guide, you’re sure to leave your place in tip-top shape and maximize your security deposit return. Happy cleaning! 🥳